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PA - C8 - INF512 : projet de 3A Réseaux

Domaine > Informatique.


ezgif.com-829cec3ce5.gifThis module is offered by the Computer Science department (DIX) as the "3A Project" within the "The Internet of Everything For a Digitized Society (IOE4DS)" track.

Each project is intended for 1-3 (motivated) students to work together, in collaboration with an (academic or industrial) researcher, on a scientific or technological topic of mutual interest.

This track is supported by Cisco Systems, by intermediary of the X-Cisco industrial chaire "Internet of Everything", which proposes a number of projects related to their current research and technology development.

IMG_5423.jpgAlso note that in either case, it is imperative that you contact both the person listed for each project, and the coordinator of INF512 (T. Clausen) as soon as possible, to discuss and formalise your project.

Langue : Français et/ou English.

Format des notes

Numérique sur 20

Littérale/grade réduit

Pour les étudiants du diplôme Diplôme d'ingénieur de l'Ecole polytechnique

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