v2.11.0 (5802)

Master (DNM) - M2 Integration, Circuits and Systems


The second year of the Master in Integration, Circuits and Systems aims to train future researchers and engineers with advanced knowledge in electronics design across cutting-edge domains like ultra-high frequencies, devices and systems for telecommunications, microelectronics, microsystems (MEMS/NEMS), embedded analog and digital systems, high-performance data converters (ADCs, DACs) and hardware-based signal processing.

The first semester encompasses diverse courses and a project. During the second semester, students will complete an internship of 4 to 6 months in industry or one of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris laboratories where they will be immersed in their field of choice and interact with top-level researchers.



This second-year Master’s program allows students to:

  • Acquire the necessary knowledge for any cutting-edge activity in electronics design including theoretical and practical knowledge with CAD design tools for analog or digital systems
  • Gain more specialized knowledge with courses in RF circuits and systems, mixed analog/digital integrated circuits and nanoarchitectures
  • Deal with concrete design problems through project-oriented study units and acquire the corresponding design experience
  • Broaden their knowledge and acquire solid practical experience

domaines d'enseignement



Unités d'enseignement

UE Type d'enseignement Domaines Catégorie d'UE Credit Ects Volume horaire Responsables Periode de programmation Site pédagogique
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