domaines d'enseignement
- M2FLUIDS-MAST2A M2 Fluids - Fluid Mechanics - Master 2A
- MEC655 Numerical Methods for Fluid Mechanics
- MEC651 Instabilities and Control of Shear Flows
- MEC652 Drops, Bubbles and co.
- MEC631 Introduction to Hydrodynamic Instabilities
- MEC653 Multi-scale Hydrodynamic Phenomena
- MEC654 Turbulence Dynamics
- MEC656 Diffusion, Advection and the Dynamo Effect
- MEC657 Current Topics in Fluid Mechanics
- MEC663 Aerodynamics
- MEC664 Microhydrodynamics
- STGM2 Stage M2
- MEC660 Introduction to BME I: Biomechanics, Sensors and Devices
- MEC550 Biofluid Mechanics and Mass Transport
- MEC645 Smart Materials and Structures: Principles and Applications
- LAN576FLE02 Cours de Français - MASTER/PhD Track - A0/A1
- MEC658-1 Cours électif M2 Fluid Mechanics (P1)
- MEC658-2 Cours électif M2 Fluid Mechanics (P2)
- MEC664AC-Sorbonne Additional Course
- SU-MEC-MU5MEF06 Vortex Dynamics
- MEC651H Marine Renewable Energies