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Diplôme de formation gradué de l'Ecole Polytechnique -MSc&T - Smart Cities and Urban Policy


In an increasingly global economy, metropolitan areas are basic components of economic competition and growth. Capital, labor pools, knowledge, infrastructures and their distribution within and across geographical space play a major role in the economic development and prosperity of metropolitan areas.

As highlighted by the Economist, a report from the American think tank Brookings Institution shows that “the world's largest 300 metropolitan economies account for 19% of the global population and almost half the world's GDP. In the past decade, incomes and jobs tended to grow faster in these urban areas than their national averages”.

Despite international competition and free mobility of inputs like assets, raw materials and knowledge, location still plays a fundamental role as a competitive edge. As rail, port and road infrastructures were amongst the key factors when determining where to locate a new business or a new branch, scarce human resources are now part of the decision-making process.

As Joel Kotkin wrote in his book The New Geography (2012), “these changes profoundly alter the very nature of place and its importance by de-emphasizing physical factors...and placing greater emphasis on the concentration of human skills in dense concentrations of population”.

More resourceful than their non-metropolitan counterparts, metropolitan economies take advantage of bigger markets for good and services, have more specialized workers pools, and benefit from more advanced and reliable transportation and telecommunications services. In this context, metropolitan areas tend to be the main generators of economic prosperity and a breeding ground for innovative tech companies.

The 21st century metropolitan regions are being transformed and are embracing new technological, urban and mobility challenges. In order to successfully fit into the metropolitan booming transformation, a lot of existing cities will have to implement an effective, sustainable and tailor-made economic strategy. Shaping new urban patterns, preserving and enhancing their environment, and striking a balance between fast rates of urbanization and people’s quality of life are among the challenges to overcome.

The Smart Cities and Urban Policy Graduate Degree provides an in-depth understanding of new and transforming metropolitan areas and their competitive environments.


In an increasingly global economy, metropolitan areas are basic components of economic competition and growth. Capital, labor pools, knowledge, infrastructures and their distribution within and across geographical space play a major role in the economic development and prosperity of metropolitan areas.

They tend to be the main generators of economic prosperity and a breeding ground for innovative tech companies. Through tactical urbanism plans and development strategies, perpetually booming metropolitan areas are seeking to become smart and sustainable places. They are looking for efficient ways to optimize their full potential and successfully transition into «cities of the future». The Smart Cities and Urban Policy Graduate Degree provides an in-depth understanding of new and transforming metropolitan areas and their competitive environments.

Following the Ecole Polytechnique’s tradition of excellence in the applied sciences, Smart Cities and Urban Policy Graduate Degree is designed for students with a strong mathematical background and an interest in economics. The program involves applying advanced quantitative methods to the study of new and transforming metropolitan areas and their challenges.

For those who wish to obtain a rigorous, in-depth knowledge of economics challenges and are looking to use their technical skills in strategy and leadership oriented roles, this degree will provide the know-how to navigate the trends shaping the 21st metropolitan economies.

Teaching is resolutely professional-oriented, relying on a combination of methodological teachings and real-world case studies to uncover the hidden trends guiding the evolution of metropolitan areas. Courses include high-level scientific master classes taught by faculty from Ecole Polytechnique and our partner schools École des Ponts ParisTech and ENSAE.


Following the École Polytechnique’s tradition of excellence in the applied sciences, the Smart Cities and Urban Policy Graduate Degree is designed for students with a strong mathematical background and an interest in economics (see this page for further information about prerequisites).

For those who wish to obtain a rigorous, in-depth knowledge of metroeconomics challenges and are looking to use their technical skills in strategy and leadership-oriented roles, this degree will provide the know-how to navigate the trends shaping the 21st metropolitan economies. The program involves applying advanced quantitative methods to the study of new and transforming metropolitan areas and their competitive environments.

Teaching is resolutely professional-oriented, relying on a combination of methodological teachings and real-world case studies to uncover the hidden trends guiding the evolution of specific market segments and business models.

Courses include high-level scientific master classes taught by faculty from École Polytechnique and our partner school Ecole des Ponts ParisTech.

The Smart Cities and Urban Policy program emphasizes hands-on, experimental learning by inviting you into with the worlds of research and industry, notably through four to six-month internships.

The professional orientation of the program is strengthened by the strong and mutual links with industrial and institutional partners from various and relevant fields: real estate, finance, energy, international organizations and ministries. Institutions and companies such as The World Bank, SNI, EDF and SNCF are among the program partners – to name just a few.


domaines d'enseignement

Management, Innovation et Entrepreneuriat, Economie, Langues.


The Smart Cities and Urban Policy program is tailored for students who intend to embark upon careers as executives, in the public and private sector. The program provides students with the knowledge, skills, and experience they need to gain to succeed in their career paths.

Different career paths are available upon degree completion:
• Managerial positions in various industries such as transportation, energy, environment, commercial real estate, urban and infrastructure management and services.
• Economic advisory positions in local, regional, governmental and international institutions.
• Consultancy positions, in which case the market knowledge gained from the program will be invaluable.


The Smart Cities and Urban Policy program is tailored for students who intend to embark upon careers as executives, in the public and private sector. The program provides students with the knowledge, skills, and experience they need to gain to succeed in their career paths.

Different career paths are available upon degree completion:
• Managerial positions in various industries such as transportation, energy, environment, commercial real estate, urban and infrastructure management and services.
• Economic advisory positions in local, regional, governmental and international institutions.
• Consultancy positions, in which case the market knowledge gained from the program will be invaluable.


Unités d'enseignement

UE Type d'enseignement Domaines Catégorie d'UE Credit Ects Volume horaire Responsables Periode de programmation Site pédagogique
ECO512 Capstone Project Projet scientifique collectif Economie 3 Patricia Crifo S123
ECO530 Refresher in Econometrics PA - C8 Economie Omar Sene S13
ECO531 Refresher in Microeconomics PA - C8 Economie Marie-Laure Allain,
Patricia Crifo
ECO552 Econometrics I PA - C8 Economie 4 Marie-Laure Allain,
Xavier D'Haultfoeuille
ECO554 Corporate Finance PA - C3B Economie 4 Marie-Laure Allain,
Franck Bancel,
Pierre Picard
ECO556 Industrial Organization PA - C7 Economie 4 Marie-Laure Allain,
Geoffrey Barrows
ECO559 Urban Economics and Real Estate PA - C2B Economie 4 Patricia Crifo,
Benoit Schmutz
ECO562 Econometrics II PA - CK Economie 4 Sébastien Roux,
Anna Simoni,
Arne Uhlendorff
ECO564 Economics of Energy Sectors PA - C3B Economie 4 Stéphanie Monjon S23
ECO567A Energy Economics with a Geography Focus PA - C8 Economie 4 Geoffrey Barrows S23
ECO567B Traffic and Transportation Systems in Urban Contexts PA - C8 Economie 4 Zoi Christoforou,
Aurore Remy
ECO572 Environmental economics PA - C6B Economie 4 Marie-Laure Allain,
Fanny Henriet
ECO583 Business Economics PA - C4B Economie 4 Marie-Laure Allain,
Philippe Février
ECO588 Digital Economics PA - C5B Economie 4 Marie-Laure Allain,
Marc Bourreau
ECO591 Research Project or Internship at a Company Stage Economie 20 Thierry Kamionka,
Benoit Schmutz
ECO611 Lecture Series in Finance and Economics PA - C8 Economie 3 Marie-Laure Allain,
Patricia Crifo
English English PA - C8 S123
French Français PA - C8 S123
HFC551 The Myth of Paris (1830-Present) PA - C8 Humanités et sciences sociales 1.5 Isabelle Schaffner S13
HFC552 Aspects of Comparative Commercial Law PA - C8 Humanités et sciences sociales 1.5 Sabine Sultan S13
HFC553 Topics in Science, Technology, and Society PA - C8 Humanités et sciences sociales 1.5 Luis Felipe Murillo S13
HFC555 Economic Sociology PA - C8 Humanités et sciences sociales 1.5 Olivier Pilmis S13
HFC556 Introduction to French Politics PA - C8 Humanités et sciences sociales 1.5 Pierre-Marc Renaudeau S13
HFC557 Introduction to Political Philosophy: Philosophy of Work PA - C8 Humanités et sciences sociales 1.5 Maël Pégny S13
HFC558 EU Governance and Policies: Focus on Research and Innovat... PA - C8 Humanités et sciences sociales Lilian Cadet S13
HFC561 Introduction to French Cinema PA - C8 Humanités et sciences sociales 1.5 Isabelle Schaffner S23
HFC563 Multicultural France PA - C8 Humanités et sciences sociales 1.5 Sarah Bouttier S23
HFC564 Sociology of Energy Transitions: Innovation, Socio-techni... PA - C8 Humanités et sciences sociales 1.5 Claire Le Renard S23
HFC566 Introduction to French Politics PA - C8 Humanités et sciences sociales 1.5 Pierre-Marc Renaudeau S23
HFC567 Introduction to Political Philosophy: Philosophy of Work PA - C8 Humanités et sciences sociales S23
HFC569 Philosophy of Science Fiction PA - C8 Humanités et sciences sociales 1.5 Jonathan Degenève S23
MIE562 Case Studies on Innovation PA - C4B Management, Innovation et Entrepreneuriat 4 Philippe Ginier-Gillet S23
MIE564 Technology-based Entrepreneurship and New Business Creation PA - C3 Management, Innovation et Entrepreneuriat 4 Cécile Chamaret,
Erno Tornikoski
MIE569 Sustainable Strategy and Business Models PA - C3 Management, Innovation et Entrepreneuriat 4 Cécile Chamaret,
Benjamin Lehiany
SPO502 Sports - 502 Sport Formation humaine, militaire et sportive 2 Renan Cuzon,
François Lésin,
Alexandre Rosinski,
Alain Truong Thang Dang
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