domaines d'enseignement
- M2HEP-S1 High Energy physics - Semestre 1
- PHY651A Electroweak interactions
- PHY651D Experiments and detector physics
- PHY651R Quantum Field Theory 2 (QFT2)
- PHY651P Neutrino Physics
- PHY651C Cosmology
- PHY651N Hadron Collider Physics
- PHY651J Astroparticles and Astrophysics
- PHY651F Quantum Field Theory 3 (QFT3)
- PHY600RC Review QFT1 - refresher course
- PHY601RC Review APP - refresher course
- PHY602RC Review GR -refresher course
- PHY658A-ETHZ Introduction to String Theory
- PHY658B-ETHZ QCD: Theory & Experiment
- PHY658C-ETHZ QFT Methods for theories beyond the standard model
- PHY658D-ETHZ Proseminar Theoretical Physics
- PHY658E-ETHZ Neutrino Physics
- PHY658F-ETHZ Particle Accelerator Physics and Modeling I
- PHY658G-ETHZ Higgs Physics
- PHY658H-ETHZ Exp. Foundations of Particle Physics
- PHY658I-ETHZ Exp. Methods & Instruments of Particle Physics
- PHY658J-ETHZ Low Energy Particle Physics
- PHY658K-ETHZ Cosmological Probes
- PHY658L-ETHZ Particle Physics in the Early Universe
- PHY658M-ETHZ Astro-Particle Physics
- PHY658N-ETHZ Theoretical Cosmo & Diff. Aspects of Gravity
- PHY658O-ETHZ Semester Project of Theoretical Physics (Computational Cosmo)
- STG-M2PHE Stage M2 PHE
- PHY651Q Physics of Future Lepton Colliders
- PHY651B Aspects of Beyond the Standard Model Physics
- PHY651M String Theory
- LAN576FLE01 Cours de Français - MASTER/PEI - A0/A1
- PHY651E Quantum chromodynamics
- PHY651G Methods of statistical analysis and simulation
- PHY651H Gravitational waves
- STGM2 Stage M2
- LAN576FLE04 Cours de Français - PhD Track/MASTER/PEI - B1/B2