Cybersecurity is concerned with the security and integrity of all the interconnected electronic devices that form our current modern life, from large companies to individuals.
Critical installations including servers, industrial automation, nuclear power stations, cloud computing facilities, and even the basic infrastructure of the internet itself are under constant attack.
Stories of companies being harassed by viruses and malware are frequent; huge amounts of money can easily be stolen, and valuable infrastructure pirated in a few seconds. Often this requires virtually no investment or risk on the part of attackers, which range from individuals to hostile state-sponsored agencies.
Closer to home, everyone now uses smartphones and computers, but we are also using more and more communicating "smart" objects in our everyday lives. Connected to the internet, these essentially render the concrete walls of our homes and businesses as transparent and fragile as glass; every citizen's privacy and way of life is at stake.
The internet culture of rapid development and innovation encourages us (indeed, virtually forces us) to release products and systems that prioritise functionality over safety. We rush to meet new needs and markets, without the time and resources required to ensure that products are safe against current attacks, let alone future hacking techniques and threat scenarios.
Reaching a universal state of security seems impossible, but the problems of security are universal: using your laptop and protecting your own data; enabling and protecting internet access; ensuring the privacy and integrity of communications between individuals and businesses; indeed, even simply ensuring that we are connecting to the service that we think we are, and not a hostile impostor. The technical solutions to these problems involve the methods of modern cryptography.
While the fundamental notions of security (including concepts like 'protection', access restrictions, establishing and verifying identities, and managing and transmitting authority) are common across all sorts of contexts, the reality is that there is no unique way to set up or use connected systems. The simplicity of our expectations as users and designers is confounded by the ultimate complexity and diversity of computer, network, and data architectures. This dialogue between the absolutes of security and the diversity of everyday experiences is at the heart of cybersecurity research and practice.
The Cybersecurity: Threats and Defenses program is based on the École Polytechnique's trademark interdisciplinary approach, and provides you with necessary expertise in all aspects of cybersecurity -- be it hardware or software. It is a complete program for future experts in computer security, and for all activities in which protecting data or privacy is essential. Adapting to new threats and finding new defenses will be your day-to-day challenge.
There is a large gamut of jobs in cybersecurity. For a small list: security auditor, controller or evaluator; security architect; secure systems developer; penetration test expert; security consultant; information system security manager.
The first part is concerned with building a common technical background for cybersecurity; adding security to this will be the task of the second period.
First period (mid-September to mid-December)
Three mandatory courses (3x4 ECTS)
INF557: From the Internet to the IoT: The Fundamentals of Modern Computer Networking
INF558: Introduction to Cryptology
INF559: A Programmer's Introduction to Computer Architectures and Operating Systems
One elective course to be chosen among (4 ECTS):
INF553: Database Management Systems
INF554: Machine learning I
Second period (January to March)
Three mandatory courses:
INF568: Advanced Cryptology
INF565: Information Systems Security
INF586: Network Security
Alternatively, 1 or 2 courses from among:
INF563: Introduction to Information Theory
Third period (March to June/August)
Research project or company internship (INF591) 19 ECTS
domaines d'enseignement
- MScT-CTD-MScT2 Cybersecurity : Threats & Defenses - MScT 2A
- MScT-CTD-S3 MScT CTD - Semestre 3
- INF636 Blockchain
- INF637 Reverse engineering vs Obfuscation
- INF638 Filtering architectures
- HFC568 Sociology of energy transitions: innovation, socio-technical change and controversies in the energy sector
- HFC551 French Crime
- HFC552 Aspects of Comparative Commercial Law
- HFC551B Multicultural France
- HFC556 Introduction to French Politics
- MIE554 Modèles commerciaux pour un impact dans le monde numérique
- HFC553 The Myth of Paris in French Imagination
- HFC554 Debating
- HFC5XX Introduction to French Music
- HFC564B Comparative Politics
- HFC569B Dark sides of the City of Lights
- HFC565 Humour
- HFC559 Philosophy of Science Fiction
- INF635 Safe System Programming
- MScT-CTD-S4 MScT CTD - Semestre 4
- INF646 Introduction to formal methods
- INF647 C-secure programming / System security
- INF648 Embedded security: side-channel attacks; javacard.
- HFC555 Introduction to Geopolitics
- HFC560 Paris à l'ère du jazz
- HFC558 Introduction to French Cinema
- HFC566 Introduction to French Politics
- HFC567 Techno-Politics
- HFC569 Philosophy of Science Fiction
- MIE562 Case Studies on Innovation
- HFC566B Advanced French politics
- MIE565 Gestion de l'innovation durable
- INF693 Internship for Cybersecurity (Year 2)
- HFC550B Principles and history of Geopolitics
- HFC561 Representing the Self: From Montaigne to Selfies
- MScT-CTD-S3 MScT CTD - Semestre 3
- LAN631FLE01 MA1 - A2 - Langue française et civilisation
- MScT-SPO555 Multi Activity - Sport
- LAN671ANG03 JE1 - Mathematicians in History and Cinema class="parent_li" role="treeitem"> MScT-CTD-MScT1 Cybersecurity : Threats & Defenses - MScT 1A
- MScT-CTD-S1 MScT CTD - Semestre 1
- HFC556 Introduction to French Politics
- HFC552 Aspects of Comparative Commercial Law
- HFC551 French Crime
- INF559 Architecture des ordinateurs et systèmes d'exploitation
- INF571 Calcul Distribué
- MIE556 Introduction to Marketing and Strategy
- HFC551B Multicultural France
- INF557 De l'Internet à l'IoT : Pricipes fondamentaux du réseau informatique moderne
- INF558 Introduction à la Cryptologie
- INF520 Projet de 3A de Cyber-sécurité
- INF553 Système de Gestion de Base de Données
- HFC568 Sociology of energy transitions: innovation, socio-technical change and controversies in the energy sector
- HFC553 The Myth of Paris in French Imagination
- HFC554 Debating
- HFC5XX Introduction to French Music
- HFC564B Comparative Politics
- HFC569B Dark sides of the City of Lights
- HFC565 Humour
- HFC559 Philosophy of Science Fiction
- MIE555 Principes fondamentaux de la stratégie et de l'innovation
- MScT-CTD-S2 MScT CTD - Semestre 2
- HFC555 Introduction to Geopolitics
- INF581 Apprentissage Automatique Avancé et Agents Autonomes
- HFC560 Paris à l'ère du jazz
- HFC558 Introduction to French Cinema
- HFC566 Introduction to French Politics
- HFC569 Philosophy of Science Fiction
- INF568 Cryptologie Avancée
- INF563 Théorie de l'information
- MIE562 Case Studies on Innovation
- HFC551B Multicultural France
- INF520 Projet de 3A de Cyber-sécurité
- INF586 Sécurité des réseaux
- INF565 Sécurité des Systèmes d'Information
- MIE564 Entrepeneuriat : cas pratiques et recherche par immersions sectorielles
- HFC566B Advanced French politics
- INF593 Stage en Cybersécurité (1A)
- HFC550B Principles and history of Geopolitics
- HFC561 Representing the Self: From Montaigne to Selfies
- MScT-CTD-S1 MScT CTD - Semestre 1
- INF591 Stage de recherche en science informatique
- MScT-SPO551 Multi Activity - Raid
- MScT-SPO552 Swimming
- LAN671ANG02 JE1 - Game Changer
- MScT-SPO554 Climbing
- MScT-SPO556 Rowing
- MScT-SPO553 Boxing
- MScT-SPO557 Badminton
- MScT-SPO558 Weight training / Cross training
- MScT-SPO559 Horseback Riding (Gallop 4 level min)
- MScT-SPO550 Postural Sport (Well-being activity)
- LAN611FLE01 LU6 - A0/A1 - Langue française et civilisation
- LAN631ESP01 JE1 - A2/B1 Espagnol
- HFC556B Introduction to French Politics
- HFC559B Dark sides of the City of Lights
- MIE566 Startup and large companies : building bridges for innovation
- HFC541 Introduction to Science and Technology Studies
- HFC557 Beyond the Mundane: Analyzing Food Practices (Part 1)
- HFC562 Beyond the Mundane: Analyzing Food Practices -Part 2
- HFC550 French Theory
- HFC560B French thinking: difference, bodies, power
- LAN611FLE04 JE3 - (A0/A1) - Langues française et civilisation
- MScT-SPO550B Volleyball
- LAN611ITA JE1 - Italien Débutant
- LAN611ESP01 JE1 - Espagnol Débutant