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Diplôme de formation gradué de l'Ecole Polytechnique -MSc&T - MScT-Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Visual Computing


At the edge between computer science and applied mathematics, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a constantly growing field, and its recent advances are highly impressive. Its goal is to create intelligent agents or systems capable of operating on their own to achieve difficult goals, such as decision-making or creation tasks. This can be done using the modeling of knowledge and of reasoning mechanisms  and/or by relying on statistical learning (from Bayesian models to Deep Learning) where the training data is either collected at once or on the fly. Besides developing these methods, competitive research on their reliability is of primary interest.

Combined with Visual Computing techniques, a part of computer science which studies the processing and simulation of visual information in all its forms (from images and videos to 3D virtual worlds),  Artificial Intelligence leads to strong societal impact applications, as for instance:

- Searching the mass of online audio-visual contents, to process, edit or re-arrange them, leading to the creation of new interactive educational or cultural media;

- Controlling drones or autonomous vehicles so that they move according to the surrounding dynamic environment and to some pre-specified rules;

- Synthesizing virtual 3D characters for gaming, online retailing, serious games and simulators, with behaviors matching to some extent those of real humans;

- Designing, fabricating and controlling soft robots dedicated to various difficult tasks, from personal assistance to micro-surgery.


The graduate degree Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Visual Computing will provide you with an in-depth understanding of the most recent Artificial Intelligence techniques together with the ability to implement them efficiently.  This program responds to the growing demand by companies which aim to recruit researchers and engineers who are able to create new original AI algorithms which are computationally competitive. The particular focus put on visual computing in this training will naturally lead students toward applications related to image processing, virtual worlds, conversational agents or drone navigation.


This new Master curriculum (opening in September 2018) will strongly focus on Artificial Intelligence, including statistical learning and applications to data science. It will also cover the complementary field of advanced Visual Computing, including 3D computer graphics, virtual and augmented reality, multimodal interaction, computer vision, robotics, and 3D Fabrication, which either make use, or lead to the development of novel AI methods. This curriculum in Artificial Intelligence and Visual Computing is therefore at the heart of digital sciences and of its most promising, recent applications.

domaines d'enseignement

Mathématiques appliquées, Informatique.

compétences acquises

The graduate degree Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Visual Computing will provide you with an in-depth understanding of the most recent Artificial Intelligence techniques together with the ability to implement them efficiently.  This program responds to the growing demand by companies which aim to recruit researchers and engineers who are able to create new original AI algorithms which are computationally competitive. The particular focus put on visual computing in this training will naturally lead students toward applications related to image processing, virtual worlds, conversational agents or drone navigation.


Upon graduation, students are expected to pursue with a PhD thesis or to join a company directly. Here is a non-exhaustive list of industries that are interested in the profile of students in AI:

- Digital applications for smartphones, computers, or personal assistants (Google, Facebook, Shazam, Apple, Snap);

- Control of autonomous vehicles, drones and robots (Valeo, Audi, Google, BMW);

- Virtual reality, image & video editing, design and simulation of 3D virtual worlds (Ubisoft, Dassault systems, Microsoft, Adobe, Sony, Nintendo)

- E-commerce and online advertisement (Criteo, Amazon, Google, Teads, Cdiscount, FNAC, eBay)

- Financial, banking and insurance sector (BNP Paribas, Société Générale, Barclays, HSBC, AXA).

Although not listed here, many start-ups are in demand of high-quality profiles in Artificial Intelligence and advanced visual computing.


Upon graduation, students are expected to pursue with a PhD thesis or to join a company directly. Here is a non-exhaustive list of industries that are interested in the profile of students in AI:

- Digital applications for smartphones, computers, or personal assistants (Google, Facebook, Shazam, Apple, Snap);

- Control of autonomous vehicles, drones and robots (Valeo, Audi, Google, BMW);

- Virtual reality, image & video editing, design and simulation of 3D virtual worlds (Ubisoft, Dassault systems, Microsoft, Adobe, Sony, Nintendo)

- E-commerce and online advertisement (Criteo, Amazon, Google, Teads, Cdiscount, FNAC, eBay)

- Financial, banking and insurance sector (BNP Paribas, Société Générale, Barclays, HSBC, AXA).

Although not listed here, many start-ups are in demand of high-quality profiles in Artificial Intelligence and advanced visual computing.


Unités d'enseignement

UE Type d'enseignement Domaines Catégorie d'UE Credit Ects Volume horaire Responsables Periode de programmation Site pédagogique
APM_51053_EP Bases de l'Apprentissage Automatique Programme d'approfondissement Mathématiques appliquées PA-MAP XOR (INF554, MAP553). 4.5 36 Erwan Le Pennec X-AN3-P1
APM_51055_EP Traitement du Signal : de Fourier à l'Apprentissage Machine Programme d'approfondissement Mathématiques appliquées UE d'approfondissement. 4 36 Rémi FLAMARY,
APM_51438_EP Refresher Course in Artificial Intelligence (Applied Maths) Cours scientifiques Mathématiques appliquées Marine Le Morvan X-AN3-P1
APM_52066_EP Statistique en Action Programme d'approfondissement Mathématiques appliquées UE de base, UE d'approfondissement. 4.5 36 Julien Chiquet,
APM_52069_EP Apprentissage Statistique : régression et classification Programme d'approfondissement Mathématiques appliquées UE d'approfondissement, UE de base. 4 36 Karim Lounici X-AN3-P2
APM_52183_EP Apprentissage profond de la théorie à la pratique Programme d'approfondissement Mathématiques appliquées UE d'approfondissement. 4.5 36 Kevin Scaman X-AN3-P2
APM_52188_EP Sujet émergents dans l'Apprentissage Machine P2 Programme d'approfondissement Mathématiques appliquées UE d'approfondissement, EA PA-MAP (au moins 1). Rémi FLAMARY X-AN3-P2
APM_53430_EP Refreshers Course in Statistics Cours scientifiques Mathématiques appliquées Pierre Latouche X-AN3-P1
CSC_51054_EP Machine and Deep learning Programme d'approfondissement Informatique, Mathématiques appliquées UE de base, PA-MAP XOR (INF554, MAP553), UE d'approfondissement, PA - BIOINF - cours/EA INF. 5 36 Michalis Vazirgiannis X-AN3-P1
CSC_51055_EP Modélisations et algorithmes à base de contraintes pour l... Programme d'approfondissement Informatique PA - BIOINF - cours/EA INF, UE de base, UE d'approfondissement. 4 François Fages X-AN3-P1
CSC_51056_EP Analyse de Données Topologiques Programme d'approfondissement Informatique UE d'approfondissement, UE de base, PA - BIOINF - cours/EA INF, PA - MAT-INFO - cours/EA INF. 4 36 Steve Oudot X-AN3-P1
CSC_51073_EP Analyse d'Image et Vision par Ordinateur Programme d'approfondissement Informatique PA - BIOINF - cours/EA INF, UE de base, UE d'approfondissement. 4.5 36 Mathieu Bredif X-AN3-P1
CSC_51074_EP Représentations Numériques et Analyse de Formes Programme d'approfondissement Informatique UE d'approfondissement, UE de base. 4.5 36 Mathieu DESBRUN,
Pooran Memari
CSC_51085_EP Animation par ordinateur Programme d'approfondissement Informatique UE d'approfondissement, UE de base. 4 Marie-Paule Cani,
CSC_51438_EP Refresher Course in Artificial Intelligence (Computer Sci... Cours scientifiques Informatique Amal Dev Parakkat X-AN3-P1
CSC_52002_EP Computer Vision: from Fundamentals to Applications Programme d'approfondissement Informatique 4.5 Vicky Kalogeiton X-AN3-P2
CSC_52062_EP Géométrie algorithmique : de la théorie aux applications Programme d'approfondissement Informatique UE d'approfondissement, UE de base. 4 36 Luca Castelli Aleardi X-AN3-P2
CSC_52081_EP Apprentissage Automatique Avancé et Agents Autonomes Programme d'approfondissement Informatique PA - BIOINF - cours/EA INF, UE de base, UE d'approfondissement. 4.5 36 Patrick LOISEAU,
Jesse Read
CSC_52084_EP Image Synthesis Programme d'approfondissement Informatique UE de base, UE d'approfondissement. 4.5 36 Tamy Boubekeur X-AN3-P2
CSC_52085_EP L'IA en temps réel dans les jeux vidéo : actions décisiv... Programme d'approfondissement Informatique UE de base, UE d'approfondissement. 4.5 David Bilemdjian,
Axel Buendia
CSC_52087_EP Advanced Deep Learning Programme d'approfondissement Informatique UE d'approfondissement. 4.5 Vicky Kalogeiton,
Johannes Lutzeyer,
Michalis Vazirgiannis
CSC_53430_EP Refresher Course in Computer Science Cours scientifiques Informatique Marie-Paule Cani X-AN3-P1
CSC_53431_EP Analysis and Deep Learning on Geometric Data Cours scientifiques Informatique 2 Maks Ovsjanikov X-AN3-P1
CSC_53432_EP Introduction to Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Lar... Cours scientifiques Informatique 2 Michalis Vazirgiannis X-AN3-P1
CSC_53433_EP Smart models for 3D creation & animation Cours scientifiques Informatique UE de spécialité. 2 24 Marie-Paule Cani X-AN3-P1
CSC_53439_EP Deep Reinforcement Learning Cours scientifiques Informatique 2 Jesse Read X-AN3-P1
CSC_53449_EP Advanced Topics in Computer Vision Cours scientifiques Informatique 2 Vicky Kalogeiton X-AN3-P2
CSC_54441_EP Introduction à la vérification des réseaux neuronaux Cours scientifiques Informatique 2 Eric Goubault,
Sylvie Putot
CSC_54442_EP Socio-emotional Embodied Conversational Agents Cours scientifiques Informatique 2 Catherine Pelachaud X-AN3-P2
CSC_54444_EP Robots souples : design, modélisation, simulation et cont... Cours scientifiques Informatique 2 32 Christian Duriez X-AN3-P2
CSC_54456_EP Navigation pour les systèmes autonomes Cours scientifiques Informatique 2 24 David Filliat X-AN3-P2
CSC_54457_EP Virtual/Augmented Reality & 3D Interactions Cours scientifiques Informatique 2 Anatole Lecuyer X-AN3-P2
HSS_51G10_EP Principles and history of Geopolitics HSS - Cours Humanités et sciences sociales Humanities & French Culture. 1.5 Matthieu Grandpierron,
Nicolas Wanlin
HSS_51G11_EP Aspects of Comparative Commercial Law HSS - Cours Humanités et sciences sociales Humanities & French Culture. 1.5 Sabine Sultan,
Nicolas Wanlin
HSS_51G12_EP Introduction to French Politics HSS - Cours Humanités et sciences sociales Humanities & French Culture. 1.5 Pierre-Marc Renaudeau,
Nicolas Wanlin
HSS_51G13_EP Introduction to French Politics HSS - Cours Humanités et sciences sociales Humanities & French Culture. 1.5 Pierre-Marc Renaudeau X-AN3-P1
HSS_51G14_EP Philosophy of Science Fiction HSS - Cours Humanités et sciences sociales Humanities & French Culture. 1.5 Jonathan Degenève,
Nicolas Wanlin
HSS_51G15_EP Dark sides of the City of Lights HSS - Cours Humanités et sciences sociales Humanities & French Culture. 1.5 Jonathan Degenève,
Nicolas Wanlin
HSS_52G20_EP Sociology of energy transitions HSS - Cours Humanités et sciences sociales Humanities & French Culture. 1.5 Claire Le Renard,
Nicolas Wanlin
HSS_52G21_EP Introduction to Science and Technology Studies HSS - Cours Humanités et sciences sociales Humanities & French Culture. Lidia Chavinskaia,
Nicolas Wanlin
HSS_52G22_EP Introduction to French Politics HSS - Cours Humanités et sciences sociales Humanities & French Culture. 1.5 Pierre-Marc Renaudeau,
Nicolas Wanlin
HSS_52G23_EP Advanced French politics HSS - Cours Humanités et sciences sociales Humanities & French Culture. 1.5 Pierre-Marc Renaudeau,
Nicolas Wanlin
HSS_52G24_EP #PoliticalSciences X Internet : Homo Politicus in a techn... HSS - Cours Humanités et sciences sociales Humanities & French Culture. 1.5 Frédéric Geraud de Lescazes,
Nicolas Wanlin
HSS_52G25_EP Philosophy of AI: epistemology, ethics and politics HSS - Cours Humanités et sciences sociales Humanities & French Culture. 1.5 François Levin,
Nicolas Wanlin
HSS_52G26_EP Philosophy of Science Fiction HSS - Cours Humanités et sciences sociales Humanities & French Culture. 1.5 Jonathan Degenève,
Nicolas Wanlin
HSS_52G27_EP Dark sides of the City of Lights HSS - Cours Humanités et sciences sociales Humanities & French Culture. 1.5 Jonathan Degenève,
Nicolas Wanlin
IME_50430_EP Seminar on Ethical Issues and Novel Applications of AI Cours scientifiques Management, Innovation et Entrepreneuriat 6 Mélissa Alauze,
Véronique Steyer
IME_50466_EP Privacy in a digital world : societal stakes and regulation Cours scientifiques Management, Innovation et Entrepreneuriat 3 Benoît Decreton X-AN3-P2
IME_51055_EP Principes fondamentaux de la stratégie et de l'innovation Programme d'approfondissement Management, Innovation et Entrepreneuriat 3 36 Mette Knudsen,
Camille Toussaint
IME_51456_EP Introduction au marketing et à la stratégie Programme d'approfondissement Management, Innovation et Entrepreneuriat 3 36 Philippe Ginier-Gillet X-AN3-P1
IME_52064_EP Entrepeneuriat : cas pratiques et recherche par immersion... Programme d'approfondissement Management, Innovation et Entrepreneuriat 3 36 Olga Lelebina,
Antoine Souchaud
IME_52065_EP Gérer l'innovation durable Programme d'approfondissement Management, Innovation et Entrepreneuriat 4 36 Pilar Acosta X-AN3-P2
IME_52068_EP Entrepreneuriat pour la durabilité Programme d'approfondissement Management, Innovation et Entrepreneuriat 3 36 Chloé Steux X-AN3-P2
IME_52441_EP Simulation d'entreprise MIE - Cours Management, Innovation et Entrepreneuriat 0 Chloé Steux X-AN3-P1
INT_50401_EP Career Center MScT M1 Conférences Développement personnel Inna PERU,
Anne Taupin
INT_50402_EP Career Center MScT M2 Conférences Développement personnel Inna PERU,
Anne Taupin
INT_52406_EP M1 Internship for Artificial Intelligence and Visual Comp... Stage Mathématiques appliquées, Informatique 20 Vicky Kalogeiton,
Pierre Latouche,
Maks Ovsjanikov
INT_54490_EP M2 Internship for Artificial Intelligence and Visual Comp... Stage Mathématiques appliquées, Informatique 24 Vicky Kalogeiton,
Pierre Latouche,
Maks Ovsjanikov
LDE_51100_EP JE1 - Allemand Débutant Langues Langues 3 Heidi Knörzer X-AN3-P1P2
LEN_51G10_EP French thinking: difference, bodies, power Culture générale Langues Humanities & French Culture. 1.5 Meghann Cassidy X-AN3-P1
LEN_51G11_EP Multicultural France Culture générale Langues Humanities & French Culture. 1.5 Sarah Bouttier X-AN3-P1
LEN_51G12_EP The Myth of Paris in French Imagination Culture générale Langues Humanities & French Culture. 1.5 2 Isabelle Schaffner X-AN3-P1
LEN_51G13_EP Debating Culture générale Langues Humanities & French Culture. 1.5 20 Declan Mc Cavana X-AN3-P1
LEN_51G14_EP Introduction to Geopolitics Culture générale Humanités et sciences sociales, Langues Humanities & French Culture. 1.5 Elsa SEN X-AN3-P1
LEN_51G15_EP Beyond the Mundane: Analyzing Food Practices (Part 1) Culture générale Langues Humanities & French Culture. 1.5 Manon Amandio X-AN3-P1
LEN_51G16_EP Introduction to French Cinema Culture générale Langues, Humanités et sciences sociales Humanities & French Culture. 1.5 Isabelle Schaffner X-AN3-P1
LEN_52G20_EP Paris in the Jazz Age Culture générale Langues Humanities & French Culture. 1.5 Isabelle Schaffner X-AN3-P2
LEN_52G21_EP French thinking: difference, bodies, power Culture générale Langues Humanities & French Culture. 1.5 Meghann Cassidy X-AN3-P2
LEN_52G22_EP Representing the Self: From Montaigne to Selfies Culture générale Langues Humanities & French Culture. 1.5 Antoine Guibal X-AN3-P2
LEN_52G23_EP Beyond the Mundane: Analyzing Food Practices -Part 2 Culture générale Humanités et sciences sociales, Langues Humanities & French Culture. 1.5 Manon Amandio X-AN3-P2
LEN_52G24_EP The Art of Simulation PA - C8 1.5 Fabien Giraud,
Nicolas Wanlin
LEN_52G25_EP Comparative Politics Culture générale Langues Humanities & French Culture. 1.5 Elsa SEN X-AN3-P2
LEN_52G26_EP Humour Culture générale Langues Humanities & French Culture. 1.5 Declan Mc Cavana X-AN3-P2
LEN_52G27_EP French Crime Culture générale Langues Humanities & French Culture. 1.5 Antoine Guibal X-AN3-P2
LEN_52G28_EP Introduction to French Cinema 2 Culture générale Langues Humanities & French Culture. 1.5 Isabelle Schaffner X-AN3-P2
LEN_50512_EP JE1 - Games and society Langues Langues 3 Laura Hilary Langlois X-AN3-P1P2
LES_51100_EP JE1 - Espagnol Débutant Langues Langues 3 Jean-Baptiste Thomas,
LES_51200_EP JE1 - B1 Espagnol Langues Langues 3 Ines Lomne,
Jean-Baptiste Thomas
LES_51300_EP JE1 - B1B2 Espagnol - LES_5100_EP Langues Langues 3 2 Silvina CAMPO,
Jean-Baptiste Thomas
LFR_50104_EP LU6-JE3 - A0/A1 - Langue française et civilisation Langues Langues Humanities & French Culture. 3 60 Julie André X-AN3-P1P2
LFR_50105_EP MA1-JE3 - A0/A1 - Langue française et civilisation Langues Langues Humanities & French Culture. 3 Julie André X-AN3-P1P2
LFR_50107_EP JE3-JE6 - A0/A1 - Langues française et civilisation Langues Langues 3 Julie André X-AN3-P1P2
LFR_50201_EP LU6 - A2/B1 - Langue française et civilisation Langues Langues 3 Julie André X-AN3-P1P2
LFR_50202_EP JE3 - A2/B1 - Langue française et civilisation Langues Langues Humanities & French Culture. 3 2 Julie André X-AN3-P1P2
LFR_50203_EP MA2 - A2/B1 - Langue française et civilisation Langues Langues 3 Julie André X-AN3-P1P2
LFR_50301_EP JE1 - B1/B2 - Langue française et civilisation Langues Langues 3 Julie André X-AN3-P1P2
LFR_51531_EP MA2 - Les subtilités du français Langues Langues 3 Julie André,
Olivier Bertrand
LIT_50100_EP JE1 - Italien Débutant Langues Langues 30 Manuela Morabito X-AN3-P1P2
LIT_51100_EP Italien intermédiaire Langues Langues 3 30 Manuela Morabito,
Maria Cristina VINO
LJA_50100_EP JE1 - Japonais débutant Langues Langues 3 Mika Momma,
Nobuko Temma
MDC_50430_EP Case Studies in Artificial Intelligence and Visual Computing Cours scientifiques Mathématiques appliquées, Informatique Marie-Paule Cani,
Johannes Lutzeyer,
Xi Wang
MDC_53431_EP Deep Learning Cours scientifiques Mathématiques appliquées, Informatique 4 Umut SIMSEKLI X-AN3-P1
MDC_54441_EP Reinforcement Learning (MAP/INF) Cours scientifiques Mathématiques appliquées, Informatique 5 Odalric-Ambrym Maillard
PAS_50401_EP MUSCLE STRENGTHENING Sport 2 Julie Lesellier X-AN3-P1P2
PAS_50402_EP Volleyball Sport 2 Fatehi Maskri X-AN3-P1P2
PAS_50403_EP LASER RUN Sport 2 Thomas Descazaux X-AN3-P1P2
PAS_50404_EP Swimming Sport 2 Jauffrey Dussert,
Marc Pernot
PAS_50405_EP Boxing Sport 2 Jonathan Pouru X-AN3-P1P2
PAS_50406_EP Climbing Sport 2 Paul Sicamois X-AN3-P1P2
PAS_50407_EP AFRO DANCING Sport 2 Laure Lamic X-AN3-P1P2
PAS_50408_EP Rowing Sport 2 Alexandre Rosinski X-AN3-P1P2
PAS_50409_EP Badminton Sport 2 Mandrin Mouchet X-AN3-P1P2
PAS_50410_EP Weight training / Cross training Sport 2 Laure Lamic X-AN3-P1P2
PAS_50411_EP Horseback Riding (Gallop 4 level min) Sport 2 X-AN3-P1P2
PAS_50412_EP Rugby MScT Sport 2 Vincent Bordelongue,
Régis Técher
PAS_50413_EP Football MScT Sport 2 Régis Renard X-AN3-P1P2
PAS_50414_EP Basketball MScT Sport 2 Alexis Percelay X-AN3-P1P2
PAS_50415_EP Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) Sport 2 Umit Görgülü X-AN3-P1P2
Welcome Week MScT Welcome Week MScT Amphis de présentation X-AN3-P1
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