domaines d'enseignement
- M1CPS-MAST1A M1 CPS - Cyber Physical Systems - Master 1A
- INF559 Architecture des ordinateurs et systèmes d'exploitation
- INF-Télécom-SE301b Real-Time System Design
- INF575 Safe Intelligent Systems
- INF586 Sécurité des réseaux
- INF580 Large scale mathematical optimization
- INF554 Machine and Deep learning
- INF557 From the Internet to the IoT: Fundamentals of Modern Computer Networking
- INF558 Introduction to Cryptology
- INF560 Algorithmique parallèle et distribuée
- INF567 Wireless Networks: from Cellular to Connected Objects
- INF521A CPS M1 Research Project - Semester 1
- INF521B CPS M1 Research Project - Semester 2
- INF-TELECOM-SD212 Graph Mining