domaines d'enseignement
- PHY564D Sensors and Transducers: from Macro to Nano
- M2BIOMECA-MAST2A M2 Biomeca - Biomechanics - Master 2A
- MEC695 Stage Biomechanical Engineering
- MEC669B Surface bioengineering and biodetection
- MEC670 Solid mechanics applied to biology
- MEC/PHY658D Optical imaging for biomedical diagnostic
- PHY559A Conception of numerical and analog integrated circuits
- MEC569 Mécanique cellulaire et subcellulaire
- MEC550 Biofluid Mechanics and Mass Transport
- MEC574 Biomimétique
- MEC/BIO586 Biomechanics in Health and Disease
- MEC669 Microfluidics and Biosystems
- MEC683 Mechanics of Motility of Living Organisms
- MEC642 Fracture Mechanics
- BIO565 Biophotonique et applications
- INF643 Soft robots: Simulation, Fabrication and Control
- MEC664SFT-Sorbonne Safety, Evaluation and Economic Aspects of Medical Devices
- PHY570 Materials Design
- MEC658A Introduction to BME II: Imaging and Biomaterials
- MEC658B Mathematical Modeling of Biological Systems
- MEC658C Diagnostics and Treatment
- MEC640 Metamaterials
- MEC652 Drops, Bubbles and co.
- MEC659 Design Project
- MEC650 Cell Biology and Physiology for Engineers
- MEC/PHY665 Advanced microscopy physics and techniques
- LAN576FLE02 Cours de Français - MASTER/PhD Track - A0/A1
- LAN576FLE04 Cours de Français - PhD Track/MASTER/PEI - B1/B2
- LAN576FLE03 Cours de Français - PhD Track - A2/B1
- MEC-Télécom-IMA204 Biomedical imaging / Knowledge Representation
- MEC655P Personal research project
- BIO583 Sciences des données en imagerie biologique
- MEC552A Méthodes numériques en mécanique des fluides
- MAP660 Deep Learning For Medical Imaging
- MEC-Télécom-IMA205 Machine Learning for Images and Object Recognition
- PS-PHY-6302 Non-Equilibrium Statistical Physics and Phase Transitions