The program takes place over three semesters
- A first semester in China from February to July (concentrated from Friday to Sunday), with courses offered by primarily Zhejiang University instructors.
- A second semester in France (on the IP Paris campus), from September to December. Courses are provided by École Polytechnique, ENSTA Paris, and Télécom Paris.
- A third semester dedicated to working on a professional dissertation.
The Innovation and Entrepreneurship MASTÈRE SPÉCIALISÉ® (MS, advanced master) enables high-level Chinese professionals with a scientific background to acquire specialized knowledge and skills in the fields of innovation, entrepreneurship, and an international outlook. This dual-degree program was launched in 2016 by École Polytechnique, ENSTA Paris, and Télécom Paris and is in partnership with Zhejiang University.
- Entrepreneurial Strategic Management with professor Dominique Vellin at ENSTA
- Digital Tech Building Blocs with professor Lim Keunwoo at Télécom Paris
- Design Thinking with professor Samuel Huron at the Télécom Paris Design Studio
- Business Model in Digital Era with professor Thierry Rayna at Ecole Polytechnique
- Big Data Analysis with professors Erwan Lepennec & Michalis Vazirgiannis at Ecole Polytechnique
- Industrial Project with professor Bruno Martinaud at Ecole Polytechnique
- Thesis Requirements with professor Cecile Chamaret at Ecole Polytechnique
- Coriolis Seminars
domaines d'enseignement
Management, Innovation et Entrepreneuriat.compétences acquises
- Developing knowledge on rapidly evolving disciplines, such as networks and digital technologies, which are driving innovation in many industrial or service sectors and business start-ups.
- Acquiring managerial skills to understand the development of new businesses, analyzing the strategic positioning of corporations, and drafting financial plans for new companies.
- Learning how to conduct innovation projects and prioritize them according to their strategic and competitive scope.
The Innovation and Entrepreneurship MS Degree offers a wide range of career opportunities to its graduates, who work in the digital and network industries as well as in management, both in France and internationally.
- MSIE-MS Innovation & Entrepreneurship - MS
- MSIE-S1 MS IE - Semestre 1
- IME_63600_ZU Pensée critique
- LEN_63601_ZU Anglais - Université Zhejiang - MS IE
- IME_63602_ZU Économie de l'ingénieur
- IME_63603_ZU Finance d'entreprise
- IME_63604_ZU Gestion de projet
- IME_63605_ZU Pensée allégée et gestion des processus
- IME_63606_ZU Direction et gestion d'équipe
- IME_63607_ZU Séminaires industriels Chine
- MSIE-S2 MS IE - Semestre 2
- IME_64600_EP Communication interculturelle
- TEL560 Technologie numérique : aperçu des éléments constitutifs
- CSC_60001_EP Analyse Big Data
- TEL561 Reflexion de création et Innovation
- ENSTA_MIE01_EP Réflexion stratégique
- IME_51456_EP Introduction au marketing et à la stratégie
- IME_60430_EP Projet industriel
- IME_64608_EP Séminaires industriels
- IME_60432_EP Mission professionnelle
- IME_60450_EP Thèse Professionnelle
- MSIE-Ens.Transv. MS IE - Enseignements transverses
- FLE-MIE02 Cours de français
- IME_60431_EP Information Thèse
- MSIE-S1 MS IE - Semestre 1