BIO653 Nature-based Solutions to Substitute Fossil Resources and... |
PA - C8 |
Biologie |
4 |
Benoît Gabrielle |
X-AN3-P1 |
CHI661C Chemical Storage of Energy |
PA - C8 |
Chimie |
4 |
Didier Dalmazzone |
X-AN3-P1 |
CHI661L Renewable Thermal Energy |
PA - C2B |
Chimie |
UE d'approfondissement. |
4 |
Didier Dalmazzone |
X-AN3-P2 |
ECO567A Energy Economics with a Geography Focus |
Cours scientifiques |
Economie |
4 |
Geoffrey Barrows |
X-AN3-P2 |
English-Week English-Week |
Langues |
2 |
FLE-Week FLE-Week |
Langues |
2 |
LAN576FLE01 Cours de Français - MASTER/PEI - A0/A1 |
Langues |
Langues |
2 |
Julie André |
X-AN3-P1P2 |
MAP661D Stochastic Optimization and Management of Energies |
PA - C8 |
Mathématiques appliquées |
4 |
Bernard Drévillon |
MEC651H Marine Renewable Energies |
PA - C8 |
Mécanique |
4 |
Luc Pastur |
X-AN3-P1P2 |
MEC662 Hydro, Wind and Marine Resources |
PA - C5B |
Mécanique |
4 |
Alexandre Stegner |
X-AN3-P2 |
MEC662F Wind Energy |
PA - C8 |
Mécanique |
4 |
Fawaz Massouh, Marc Rapin |
X-AN3-P2 |
PHY558B Physics and Engineering of Photovoltaic Devices |
PA - C4B |
Physique |
4 |
Erik Johnson |
X-AN3-P1 |
PHY558BT Physics and Engineering of Photovoltaic Devices - Tutorat |
Tutorat |
Physique |
PHY559B Power Electrical Engineering for Renewable Energy |
PA - C3B |
Physique |
4 |
Yvan Bonnassieux, Martin Hennebel |
X-AN3-P1 |
PHY652B Organic-based materials for the 3rd generation of solar c... |
PA - C1B |
Physique |
4 |
Gael Zucchi |
X-AN3-P1 |
PHY657 Building and Using Models for the Energy Transition |
PA - C3B |
Physique |
4 |
Jean-François Guillemoles, Daniel Suchet |
X-AN3-P1 |
PHY661A Thin-Film Photovoltaics (PV II) |
PA - C3B |
Physique |
4 |
Pere Roca I Cabarrocas |
X-AN3-P2 |
PHY661B Photovoltaic Technologies in Industry (PV Ind) |
PA - C4B |
Physique |
30 |
Erik Johnson |
X-AN3-P2 |
PHY661I Smart Grid for Renewable Energy |
PA - C1B |
Physique |
4 |
Jordi Badosa, Yvan Bonnassieux |
X-AN3-P2 |