M1: Database Management Systems
WEEK 1 Data Modeling: ER model, Relational Model, Relational Algebra
WEEK 2 SQL and Normalizaton: Structured Query Language, Normalization theory
WEEK 3 Storage Design: disks, files, indexes (B+ tree, R-tree, Hash index)
WEEK 4 Algorithms for Relational Operators: selection, join, group-by aggregation, sorting)
WEEK 5 Query Optimization: query plans, algebraic equivalence, plan space, cost estimation, search algorithm
WEEK 6 Concurrency Control: ACID properties, theory on serializability and recoverability, locking protocols, optimistic CC, indexing locking, phantom problems
WEEK 7 Recovery: DBMS logging, no force and steal, ARIES algorithm; model fault tolerance mechanisms
Langue du cours : Anglais