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Les formations
Catalogue 2024 - 2025
Advanced Master
MS ETRE - MS Renewable Energies: Technologies and Entrepreneurship (Master)
MS IE - MS Innovation and Entrepreneurship
BX - Ecole polytechnique bachelor of science
Diplôme d'établissement
X-4A - Diplôme de l'Ecole polytechnique
Engineer Degree
X - Titre d’Ingénieur diplômé de l’École polytechnique
Graduate degree - MSc&T
MScT-AI-ViC - MScT-Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Visual Computing
MScT-CyS - MScT-Cybersecurity (CyS)
MScT-DDDF - MScT-Double Degree Data and Finance (DDDF)
MScT-DEPP - MScT-Data and Economics for Public Policy (DEPP)
MScT-DSB - MScT-Data Science for Business
MScT-EDACF - MScT-Economics, Data Analytics and Corporate Finance
MScT-EESM - MScT-Environmental Engineering and Sustainability Management
MScT-ESCLiP - MScT-Economics for Smart Cities and Climate Policy
MScT-IOT - MScT-Internet of Things : Innovation and Management Program (IoT)
MScT-STEEM - MScT-Energy Environment : Science Technology & Management
International exchange program
EuroteQ - EuroteQ Diploma
PEI - International Exchange programs
M1APPMATH - M1 APPMS - Applied Mathematics and Statistics
M1BIOHEA - M1 BH - Biology and Health
M1CHEINT - M1 CI - Chemistry and Interfaces
M1CPS - M1 CPS - Cyber Physical Systems
M1HEP - M1 HEP - High Energy Physics
M1IES - M1 IES - Innovation, Industry and Society
M1MATHJHADA - M1 MJH - Mathematics Jacques Hadamard
M1MECHA - M1 Mech - Mechanics
M1MIE - M1 MiE - Master in Economics
M1MPRI - M1 MPRI - Foundations of Computer Science
M1PHYSICS - M1 PHYS - Physics
M2AAG - M2 AAG - Analysis, Arithmetic, Geometry
M2BIOHEA - M2 BH - Biology and Health
M2BIOMECA - M2 BME - Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering
M2CPS - M2 CPS - Cyber Physical Systems
M2DS - M2 DS - Data Science
M2FLUIDS - M2 Fluids - Fluid Mechanics
M2GI - M2 GI-PLATO - Large Facilities - Plasmas, Lasers, Accelerators, Tokamaks
M2HEP - M2 HEP - High Energy physics
M2ICFP - M2 ICFP - International Center for Fundamental Physics
M2MACHI - M2 MACHI - Materials Chemistry and Interfaces
M2MARES - M2 PBR - Physics by Research
M2MATHMOD - M2 MM - Mathematical Modelling
M2MECENCLI - M2 MECENCLI - Mechanical Engineering for Clinicians
M2MOCHI - M2 MoChI - Molecular Chemistry and Interfaces
M2MPRI - M2 MPRI - Foundations of Computer Science
M2MSV - M2 MSV - Mathematics for Living Sciences
M2OPTIM - M2 OPT - Optimization
M2PIC - M2 PIC - Project, Innovation, Design
M2PLASPHYFUS - M2 PPF - Physics of Plasmas and Fusion
M2PROBFIN - M2 PF - Probability and Finance
M2QLMN - M2 QLMN - Quantum, Light, Materials and Nanoscience
M2QUANTDEV - M2 QD - Quantum Devices
M2SMNO - M2 SMNO - Materials Science and Nano-Objects
M2SOLIDS - M2 Solids - Solid Mechanics
M2TRADD - M2 TraDD - Transport and Sustainable Development
M2WAPE - M2 WAPE - Water, Air Pollution and Energy
Master of Science (CGE)
MSc Entrepreneurs - MSc X-HEC Entrepreneurs
Catalogue 2023 - 2024
Advanced Master
MS ETRE - MS Energies Renouvelables : Technologies & Entrepreneuriat (Master)
BS - Ecole polytechnique bachelor of science
Engineer Degree
X - Titre d’Ingénieur diplômé de l’École polytechnique
Graduate degree - MSc&T
MScT-AI-ViC - MScT-Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Visual Computing
MScT-CTD - MScT-Cybersecurity : Threats and Defenses
MScT-DDDF - MScT-Double Degree Data and Finance (DDDF)
MScT-DEPP - MScT-Data and Economics for Public Policy (DEPP)
MScT-DSB - MScT-Data Science for Business
MScT-EDACF - MScT-Economics, Data Analytics and Corporate Finance
MScT-EESM - MScT-Environmental Engineering and Sustainability Management
MScT-ESCLiP - MScT-Economics for Smart Cities and Climate Policy
MScT-IOT - MScT-Internet of Things : Innovation and Management Program (IoT)
MScT-STEEM - MScT-Energy Environment : Science Technology & Management
International exchange program
EuroteQ - EuroteQ Diploma
M1APPMATH - M1 Applied Mathematics and Statistics
M1BIOHEA - M1 Biology and Health
M1CHEINT - M1 Chemistry and Interfaces
M1CPS - M1 Cyber Physical Systems
M1HEP - M1 High Energy Physics
M1IES - M1 Innovation, Industry and Society
M1MATHJHADA - M1 Mathematics Jacques Hadamard
M1MECHA - M1 Mechanics
M1MIE - M1 in Economics
M1MPRI - M1 Foudations of Computer Science MPRI
M1PHYSICS - M1 Physics
M2AAG - M2 Analysis, Arithmetic, Geometry
M2BIOHEA - M2 Biology and Health
M2BIOMECA - M2 Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering
M2CFP - M2 Concepts in Fundamental Physics
M2CPS - M2 Cyber Physical System
M2DS - M2 Data Science
M2FLUIDS - M2 Fluid Mechanics
M2GI - M2 Large Facilities
M2HEP - M2 High Energy physics
M2MARES - M2 Physics by Research
M2MATCHEINT - M2 Materials Chemistry and Interfaces
M2MATHMOD - M2 Mathematical Modelling
M2MECENCLI - M2 Mechanical Engineering for Clinicians
M2MOCHI - M2 Molecular Chemistry and Interfaces
M2MPRI - M2 Foudations of Computer Science MPRI
M2MSV - M2 Mathematics for Living Sciences
M2OPTIM - M2 Optimization
M2PIC - M2 Project, Innovation, Design
M2PLASPHYFUS - M2 Physics of Plasmas and Fusion
M2PROBFIN - M2 Probability and Finance
M2QNSLMT - M2 Quantum, Light, Materials and Nanosciences
M2QUANTDEV - M2 Quantum Devices
M2SMNO - M2 Materials Science and Nano-Objects
M2SOLIDS - M2 Solid Mechanics
M2WAPE - M2 Water, Air Pollution and Energies
Catalogue 2022 - 2023
Advanced Master
M2REST - Renewable Energy, Science and Technology
MS ETRE - MS Energies Renouvelables : Technologies & Entrepreneuriat (Master)
BS - Ecole polytechnique bachelor of science
Engineer Degree
X - Titre d’Ingénieur diplômé de l’École polytechnique
Graduate degree - MSc&T
MScT-AI-ViC - MScT-Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Visual Computing
MScT-CTD - MScT-Cybersecurity : Threats and Defenses
MScT-DSB - MScT-Data Science for Business
MScT-EDACF - MScT-Economics, Data Analytics and Corporate Finance
MScT-EESM - MScT-Environmental Engineering and Sustainability Management
MScT-ESCLiP - MScT-Economics for Smart Cities and Climate Policy
MScT-IOT - MScT-Internet of Things : Innovation and Management Program (IoT)
MScT-STEEM - MScT-Energy Environment : Science Technology & Management
International exchange program
EuroteQ - Diplôme EuroteQ
PEI - Echanges PEI
M1APPMATH - M1 Applied Mathematics and statistics
M1CHEINT - M1 Chemistry and Interfaces
M1CPS - M1 CPS - Cyber Physical Systems
M1HEP - M1 High Energy Physics
M1MATHJHADA - M1 Mathematics Jacques Hadamard
M1MECHA - M1 Mechanics
M1MIE - M1 MIE - Economics
M2BIOHEA - M2 Biology and Health
M2BIOMECA - M2 Biomeca - Biomechanics
M2CPS - M2 Cyber Physical System
M2DATAAI - M2 Data AI - Data and Artificial Intelligence
M2DS - M2 Data Sciences
M2ENERG - M2 Energy
M2FLUIDS - M2 Fluids - Fluid Mechanics
M2HEP - M2 High Energy physics
M2ICS - M2 Integration, Circuits and Systems
M2MATHMOD - M2 Mathematical Modelling
M2MECENCLI - M2 Mecencli - Mechanical Engineering for Clinicians
M2MICAS - M2 Machine Learning, Communications and Security
M2MOCHI - M2 Molecular Chemistry and Interfaces
M2MSV - M2 MSV - Mathematics for Life Sciences
M2OPTIM - M2 Optimization
M2PIC - M2 Design Innovation Project - Work-study
M2QNSLMT - M2 Quantum, Light, Materials and Nanosciences
M2SOLIDS - M2 Solids - Solid Mechanics
M2WAPE - M2 Water, Air, Pollution and Energy
MSc Entrepreneurs - MSc X-HEC Entrepreneurs
Non Degree
ND - Non Diplomant
Catalogue 2021 - 2022
BS - Ecole polytechnique bachelor of science
Engineer Degree
X - Titre d’Ingénieur diplômé de l’École polytechnique
Graduate degree - MSc&T
MScT-AI-ViC - Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Visual Computing
MScT-CTD - Cybersecurity : Threats and Defenses
MScT-DSB - Data Science for Business
MScT-EDACF - Economics, Data Analytics and Corporate Finance
MScT-EESM - Environmental Engineering and Sustainability Management
MScT-ESCLiP - Economics for Smart Cities and Climate Policy
MScT-IOT - Internet of Things : Innovation and Management Program (IoT)
MScT-STEEM - Energy Environment : Science Technology & Management
International exchange program
PEI - Echanges PEI
M1APPMATH - M1 - Applied Mathematics and statistics
M1BM - M1 Biomechanics
M1DATAAI - M1 Data AI - Data and Artificial Intelligence
M1ECO - M1 Economics
M1ENERG - Master 1 Energy
M1MATHJHADA - M1 - Mathematics Jacques Hadamard
M1MIE - M1 MiE - Master in Economics
M2BIOMECA - M2 Biomeca - Biomechanics
M2BM - M2 Biomechanics
M2CFP - M2 CFP - Concepts in Fundamental Physics
M2CPS - Cyber Physical System
M2DS - Data Sciences
M2ENERG - Master 2 Energy
M2FLUIDS - M2 Fluids - Fluid Mechanics
M2IGD - M2 IGD - Interaction, Graphic and Design
M2MDA - M2 MdA - Random Mathematics
M2MSV - M2 MSV - Mathematics for Life Sciences
M2PIC - Design Innovation Project - Work-study
Catalogue 2020 - 2021
BS - Ecole polytechnique bachelor of science
Engineer Degree
X - Titre d’Ingénieur diplômé de l’École polytechnique
Graduate degree - MSc&T
MScT-AIAVC - Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Visual Computing
MScT-CTD - Cybersecurity : Threats and Defenses
MScT-DSB - Data Science for Business
MScT-ECOSEM - Environmental Engineering and Sustainability Management
MScT-EDACF - Economics, Data Analytics and Corporate Finance
MScT-IOT - Internet of Things : Innovation and Management Program (IoT)
MScT-SCUP - Economics for Smart Cities and Climate Policy
MScT-STEEM - Energy Environment : Science Technology & Management
International exchange program
PEI - Echanges PEI
M1APPMATH - M1 - Applied Mathematics and statistics
M1CPS - M1 CPS - Cyber Physical Systems
M1CSN - M1 CSN - Computer Science for Networks
M1CYBER - M1 Cyber - Cybersecurity
M1HPDA - M1 HPDA - High Performance Data Analytics
M1I - M1 Informatique - Voie Jacques Herbrand - X
M1IGD - M1 IGD - Interaction, Graphic and Design
M1INTTRACPHY - M1 - International Track in Physics
M1MAP - M1 Mathématiques et Applications - Voie Jacques Hadamard - École Polytechnique
M1MATHAPP - M1 - Mathématiques Appliquées
M1MPRI - M1 MPRI - Foudations of Computer Science
M1P - M1 Physique - Voie Irène Joliot Curie - X
M1PHYSICS - M1 - Physics
M1SCTECHNRJ - M1 - Sciences and Technologies for Energy
M2BIOMECA - M2 Biomeca - Biomechanics
M2CLEAR - CLimat, Environnement, Applications et Recherche - Water, Air, Pollution and Energy
M2CPS - Cyber Physical System
M2CYBER - M2 Cyber - Cybersecurity
M2DS - Data Sciences
M2HPDA - M2 HPDA - High Performance Data Analytics
M2IGD - M2 IGD - Interaction, Graphic and Design
M2MPRI - M2 MPRI - Foudations of Computer Science
M2MPRO - M2 MPRO - Operation Research
M2PDS - M2 PDS - Parallel and Distributed Systems
M2PIC - Projet Innovation Conception
Non Degree
ND - Non Diplomant
Catalogue 2019 - 2020
BS - Ecole polytechnique bachelor of science
Engineer Degree
X - Diplôme d'ingénieur de l'Ecole polytechnique
Graduate degree - MSc&T
GD-AIM - Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Visual Computing
GD-CYBSEC - Cybersecurity : Threats and Defenses
GD-DSB - Data Science for Business
GD-EDCF - Economics, Data Analytics and Corporate Finance
GD-EESTM - Energy Environment : Science Technology & Management
GD-ESEM - Ecotechnologies for Sustainability & Environment Management
GD-IOT - Internet of Things : Innovation and Management Program (IoT)
GD-SCUP - Smart Cities and Urban Policy
M1AME - M1 Advanced materials engineering
M1BI - M1 Bio-informatique (Voie Rosalind Franklin)
M1BS - M1 Biologie-Santé - Voie Boris Ephrussi-X
M1C - M1 Chimie - Voie Fréderic Joliot-Curie - Ecole Polytechnique
M1ECO - M1 Economie
M1HEP - M1 High Energy Physics
M1I - M1 Informatique - Voie Jacques Herbrand - X
M1IESVIT - M1 Innovation, Entreprise, et Société - Voie Innovation technologique
M1MAP - M1 Mathématiques et Applications - Voie Jacques Hadamard - École Polytechnique
M1P - M1 Physique - Voie Irène Joliot Curie - X
M1STEPE - M1 STEPE - Sciences pour les défis de l'environnement/Sciences for environmentals challenges
M2AME - Advanced materials engineering
M2BE - Biomechanical Engineering
M2CLEAR - CLimat, Environnement, Applications et Recherche - Water, Air, Pollution and Energy
M2CMASIC - Conception, Modélisation et Architecture des Systèmes Industriels Complexes
M2DQ - Dispositif quantique
M2DS - Data Sciences
M2FM - Fluid Mechanics
M2HEP - High Energy physics
M2ITIE - Innovation Technologique : ingénierie et entrepreneuriat
M2M4S - Modélisation Multiphysique Multiéchelle des Matériaux et des Structures
M2MAMSV - Master 2 Mathématiques et Applications - Mathématiques pour les Sciences du Vivant
M2MFSF - Mathématiques Financières : Statistique et Finance
M2MM - Mathématiques de la modélisation
M2MOCHI - Molecular Chemistry and Interfaces
M2OPT - Optimisation
M2PIC - Projet Innovation Conception
M2PICA - Projet Innovation Conception - Alternance
M2PPF - Physique des Plasmas et de la Fusion
M2PROBAFI - Mathématiques Financières : Probabilités et Finance
M2REST - Renewable Energy, Science and Technology
M2SMNO - Sciences des Matériaux et des nano-objets
M2TRADD - Transport et Développement Durable - TRADD
MBIOENT - Master Bio-entrepreneur
Non Degree
ND - Non Diplomant
Catalogue 2018 - 2019
BS - Ecole polytechnique bachelor of science
Engineer Degree
X - Diplôme d'ingénieur de l'Ecole polytechnique
Graduate degree - MSc&T
GD-AIAVC - Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Visual Computing
GD-CTD - Cybersecurity : Threats & Defenses
GD-DSB - Data Science for Business
GD-ECOSEM - Ecotechnologies for Sustainability & Environment Management
GD-EDACF - Economics, Data Analytics and Corporate Finance
GD-IOT - Internet of Things : Innovation and Management Program (IoT)
GD-SCUP - Smart Cities and Urban Policy
GD-STEEM - Energy Environment : Science Technology & Management
Catalogue 2017 - 2018
Engineer Degree
X - Diplôme d'ingénieur de l'Ecole Polytechnique
v2.11.0 (5802)
PA_Th-CorpFi P1 :
Thématique Corporate Finance - période 1
Domaine > Economie.
Informations générales
Pré-requis et acquisition
Diplômes concernés
Titre d’Ingénieur diplômé de l’École polytechnique
Echanges PEI
Composition du parcours