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Programme d'approfondissement - ECO_52066_EP : Droit et Finance

Domaine > Economie.


This course introduces key concepts in the field of “Law & Finance”, which is concerned with the economic and financial impact of the law in the field of finance. It introduces key theoretical concepts before showing their concrete implications through case studies.

The course is split into courses and seminars. In seminars, students will apply what they have learned during courses through debates on case studies. They will be graded based on presentations at the end of the course and participation in class.

Objectifs pédagogiques

By completing this course, students considering a career in finance will acquire a strong competitive edge, both because of the relevance of Law & Finance for various investment strategies and because this field is not usually taught in business schools. Future business leaders will also find this course very valuable in understanding the legal mechanics underlying the management of (listed) companies.

Format des notes

Numérique sur 20

Littérale/grade réduit

Pour les étudiants du diplôme Titre d’Ingénieur diplômé de l’École polytechnique

Vos modalités d'acquisition :

To get credit for this course, students must make group presentations during TDs and submit a short written report (two to three pages) synthetizing their presentation beforehand. The overall grade is computed based on the quality of the group presentation (weight ½), the student’s oral participation in discussions about other groups’ presentations (weight ¼) and the student’s oral participation in class (weight ¼).

Pour les étudiants du diplôme MScT-Economics, Data Analytics and Corporate Finance

Vos modalités d'acquisition :

To get credit for this course, students must make group presentations at the end of the course and submit a short written report (two to three pages) synthetizing their presentation beforehand. The overall grade is computed based on the quality of the group presentation (weight ½), the student’s oral participation in discussions about other groups’ presentations (weight ¼) and the student’s oral participation in class (weight ¼).

Le rattrapage est autorisé (Max entre les deux notes)
    L'UE est acquise si note finale transposée >= C
    • Crédits ECTS acquis : 4 ECTS

    La note obtenue rentre dans le calcul de votre GPA.

    Pour les étudiants du diplôme Programmes d'échange internationaux

    Pour les étudiants du diplôme MScT-Data and Economics for Public Policy (DEPP)

    Vos modalités d'acquisition :

    To get credit for this course, students must make group presentations at the end of the course and submit a short written report (two to three pages) synthetizing their presentation beforehand. The overall grade is computed based on the quality of the group presentation (weight ½), the student’s oral participation in discussions about other groups’ presentations (weight ¼) and the student’s oral participation in class (weight ¼).

    Programme détaillé

    The topics covered and cases mentioned in the list below will be adjusted to fit the program followed in students’ other classes, and especially the course in Corporate Finance.

    Class Topics covered

    1. Introduction to Law & Finance

    Case: made-up introductory case stressing relevant problematics - Objective pursued: efficiency and ESG considerations
    - Key French legal institutions: courts, market authority, intermediaries, issuers’ and investors’ associations
    - Basics of civil law: contractual freedom, default rules and mandatory rules
    - Basics of corporate law: corporate forms, limited liability, specificities of listed companies

    2. Corporate governance 1

    Cases: Casino and Atos - Theory of the firm
    - Fiduciary duties
    - Moral hazard problems of the board and managers
    - Controlling vs dispersed shareholders
    - Shareholder democracy

    3. Corporate governance 2

    Case: Kaufman & Broad - Ethics vs efficiency in corporate governance
    - Independent board members
    - Remuneration of managers

    4. Corporate governance 3

    Case: TotalEnergies - Shareholder value maximization (Friedman doctrine) vs stakeholder approach (corporate purpose, codetermination)
    - The pursuit of ESG considerations through corporate governance: theory and practice
    - The shareholder short-termism debate

    Takeovers 1: Bids by Non-Controlling Shareholders

    Case: Veolia’s takeover on Suez - Theory of takeovers and maximization of firm value
    - Conflicts of interests in the takeover context
    - Shareholders’ vs board’s power, incl. poison pills
    - Primer on risk arbitrage strategies

    Takeovers 2: Bids by Controlling Shareholders

    Case: EDF’s takeover by the French State - French takeover process
    - Mandatory takeover bids
    - Mechanics of minority shareholders’ expropriation
    - Independent appraisal


    Case: to be confirmed - ESG requirements bearing on corporations and investors
    - Self-regulation
    - Responsible investment in practice


    Case: Casino - Objectives pursued by restructuring law
    - Concepts of balance-sheet and cash-flow insolvency
    - Key problems solved by restructuring law: creditors’ coordination, control, valuation
    - Tools to solve these problems: stay of collective proceedings, creditors’ bargaining, fiduciary duties
    - Merits and pitfalls of French restructuring law in addressing these problems


    Case: Illumina/Grail - Relevant considerations in M&A transactions
    - Perfect competition
    - Cartel theory
    - Abuse of dominance/monopolization


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