v2.11.0 (5802)

Cours scientifiques - CSC_53432_EP : Introduction to Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Large Language Models (LLMs)

Domaine > Informatique.


This class provides an overview of natural language processing (NLP), its methods, and its applications. It covers both the symbolic treatment of language (formal grammars) and the sub-symbolic treatment (neural networks and transformers). The course also treats two application areas in detail: information extraction and sentiment analysis.


Format des notes

Numérique sur 20

Littérale/grade réduit

Pour les étudiants du diplôme MScT-Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Visual Computing

Le rattrapage est autorisé (Note de rattrapage conservée)
    L'UE est acquise si note finale transposée >= C
    • Crédits ECTS acquis : 2 ECTS

    La note obtenue rentre dans le calcul de votre GPA.

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