v2.11.0 (5802)

Langues - LAN482lANG : ME6 - Techniques of Cinema - C1C2 - LAN482lANG01

Domaine > Langues.


Frequently, people will watch a film that impresses them, but then find they lack the ability to fully explain why the film had such an impact.


During this course, we will go beyond the surface and discover the techniques and vocabulary necessary to understand how great films touch the audience. This will include a survey of camera angles, shots, cinematic storytelling techniques, screenwriting, types of cuts, and so on.


We will not only discuss story and imagery, but also go into greater depth on the film as a collaborative art form. This will provide an understanding of the role each participant plays in the production and also include the reasons behind how and why certain movies get financed and produced.


Texts about the movie industry and the various techniques of cinema will be given as weekly reading assignments. Each student will also give two oral presentations based on the course subject matter.


The first part of every class will include class discussion based on the weekly reading assignments and the films seen during class.


The second part of the class will be an opportunity to analyze movies related to the course content. These may include several films about the movie industry itself as well as classic films by famous directors.

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Numérique sur 20

Pour les étudiants du diplôme Diplôme d'ingénieur de l'Ecole polytechnique

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    Pour les étudiants du diplôme Echanges PEI

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