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Programmes par année - M2REST-S1 : Renewable Energy, Science and Technology - Semestre 1

Composition du parcours

    BIO653 PHY652B CHI661C PHY559B MEC661H PHY558B MEC652F PHY657 FLE-Week English-Week PHY558BT MEC655B

Unités d'enseignement

UE Type d'enseignement Domaines Catégorie d'UE Volume horaire Responsables Site pédagogique
BIO653 Nature-based Solutions to Substitute Fossil Resources and... PA - C8 Biologie Bernard Drévillon,
Benoît Gabrielle
CHI661C Chemical Storage of Energy PA - C8 Chimie Didier Dalmazzone
English-Week English-Week Langues
FLE-Week FLE-Week Langues
MEC652F Wind Power PA - C8 Mécanique
MEC655B Greenhouse Gases (GHG) Challenges and Observations PA - C8 Mécanique Cyril Crevoisier
MEC661H Fluid-structure Couplings in Offshore Wind and Marine Ren... PA - C8 Mécanique Luc Pastur
PHY558B Physics and Engineering of Photovoltaic Devices PA - C4B Physique Erik Johnson
PHY558BT Physics and Engineering of Photovoltaic Devices - Tutorat Tutorat Physique
PHY559B Power Electrical Engineering for Renewable Energy PA - C3B Physique Yvan Bonnassieux,
Martin Hennebel
PHY652B Organic-based materials for the 3rd generation of solar c... PA - C7 Physique Gael Zucchi
PHY657 Modeling the energy and climate transitions PA - C6B Physique Jean-François Guillemoles
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