v2.11.0 (5802)

Langues - LAN462qANG : LU3 - Asia : go East ! - B2C1 - LAN462qANG01


This course will help you to learn more about Asia, the world’s largest continent, both in terms of population and area. We will explore Asia from a variety of standpoints – including geography, history, politics, languages, religions, culture (literature, art, music & cinema), food and sport.

    Our journey will take us to many of the 50 or so countries/territories which make up this huge continent and we will consider the different ‘regions’ into which Asia has been/is now divided, e.g. Asia Minor, the Near and Middle East, Central Asia (the ‘stans’), the Indian sub-continent, South-East Asia/ASEAN and the Far East.

    We will also focus on some of the key social and political issues facing contemporary Asian countries, including regional conflicts, territorial disputes, religious extremism and male/female inequality.

    You will make oral presentations in class on topics linked to Asia and to famous Asian, past and present. You will also be required to do reading and writing tasks, as well as internet-based research, at home and in class.

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Pour les étudiants du diplôme Diplôme d'ingénieur de l'Ecole polytechnique

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