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Master (DNM) - Molecular Chemistry and Interfaces


    CHI666E CHI666F CHI666G CHI666H CHI666I CHI666J CHI667E CHI667F CHI667G CHI667H CHI669A CHI669B

Unités d'enseignement

UE Type d'enseignement Domaines Catégorie d'UE Credit Ects Volume horaire Responsables Periode de programmation Site pédagogique
CHI666E Asymmetric Synthesis PA - C8 1.2
CHI666F Radical Chemistry and its applications PA - C8 1.2
CHI666G Heterochemistry PA - C8 1.2
CHI666H Heterocycles applied to Agrochemistry PA - C8 1.2
CHI666I Retrosynthesis / Strategies and tactics for the synthesis... PA - C8 1.2
CHI666J Organic /Inorganic Architectures Cours scientifiques Chimie Thierry Gacoin AN3 - P2
CHI667E Photocontrol of biological processes PA - C8
CHI667F From molecule to optoelectronic devices PA - C8 Chimie 1.67 Abderrahim Yassar,
Gael Zucchi
CHI667G Switchable molecular materials PA - C8 1.67
CHI667H Conducting molecular materials PA - C8 1.67 Narcis Avarvari AN3-P1-P2
CHI669A Literature Project / Sujet Biblio PA - C8 5
CHI669B Literature Project / Projet bilibo recherche PA - C8
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