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PA - C8 - MEC661J : Laboratory Projects on Hydro, Wind and Marine Resources for Renewable Energy

Domaine > Mécanique.


Lecturer: Olivier Doaré

Eligibility/Pre- requisites 

This course can be chosen by a student only if he already follows at least one of these two courses:

- Hydro, wind and marine resources for renewable energy
- Fluid-structure couplings in offshore wind and marine energy 

Learning outcomes 

This course consists in a an experimental work on renewable energy for teams of two students. During their project, the student will apply the knowledge acquired during the theoretical courses. 

Course main content 

The different proposed laboratory projects are :

- The Vortex-induced vibrations energy harvesting device (water current version) - The Vortex-induced vibrations energy harvesting device (wind version)
- A laboratory model of hydroelectric power plant (run of river)
- A laboratory model of hydrokinetic turbines

- Ocean wave energy converter model - Floating wind turbine design
- The fluttering flag energy harvester

They all take place in the mechanical engineering lab of ENSTA Paristech, on the Paris Saclay campus. 

Examination and requirements for final grade 

Students are graded on the basis of a final report and an oral presentation. 

Coordinator Instructors 

Olivier Doare, ENSTA ParisTech


Langue du cours : Anglais

Credits ECTS : 4

Diplôme(s) concerné(s)

Format des notes

Numérique sur 20

Littérale/grade réduit

Pour les étudiants du diplôme Echanges PEI

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