v2.11.0 (5802)

Programmes par année - MScT-IOT-MScT1 : Internet of Things : Innovation and Management Program (IoT) - MScT 1A

Composition du parcours

Unités d'enseignement

UE Type d'enseignement Domaines Catégorie d'UE Volume horaire Responsables Site pédagogique
ECO652 Valuation of Start-ups PA - C3B Economie Xavier Lazarus
English English PA - C8
French Français PA - C8
HFC550B Principles and history of Geopolitics PA - C8 Matthieu Grandpierron
HFC551 French Crime PA - C8 Humanités et sciences sociales Antoine Guibal
HFC552 Aspects of Comparative Commercial Law PA - C8 Humanités et sciences sociales Sabine Sultan
HFC553 The Myth of Paris in French Imagination PA - C8 Isabelle Schaffner
HFC554 Debating PA - C8 Declan Mc Cavana
HFC555 Introduction to French Music PA - C8 Chantal Schütz
HFC556 Introduction to French Politics PA - C8 Humanités et sciences sociales Pierre-Marc Renaudeau
HFC558 Introduction to French Cinema PA - C8 Humanités et sciences sociales Isabelle Schaffner
HFC559 Philosophy of Science Fiction PA - C8 Jonathan Degenève
HFC560 Paris in the Jazz Age PA - C8 Humanités et sciences sociales Isabelle Schaffner
HFC561 Representing the Self: From Montaigne to Selfies PA - C8 Antoine Guibal
HFC562 Introduction to French Music PA - C8 Humanités et sciences sociales Chantal Schütz
HFC564 Introduction to Geopolitics PA - C8 Humanités et sciences sociales Elsa SEN
HFC564B Comparative Politics PA - C8 Elsa SEN
HFC565 Humour PA - C8 Declan Mc Cavana
HFC566 Introduction to French Politics PA - C8 Humanités et sciences sociales Pierre-Marc Renaudeau
HFC566B Advanced French politics PA - C8 Humanités et sciences sociales Pierre-Marc Renaudeau
HFC567 HOW TECHNOLOGY SHAPES THE NEW POWER. POLITICS FRAMEWORK I... PA - C8 Humanités et sciences sociales Alice Steenland
HFC568 Sociology of energy transitions: innovation, socio-techni... PA - C8 Claire Le Renard
HFC569 Philosophy of Science Fiction PA - C8 Humanités et sciences sociales Jonathan Degenève
HFC569B Dark sides of the City of Lights PA - C8 Jonathan Degenève
INF530 Practical C and Java Prog., Algo and Data Structures PA - C8 Informatique Jean-Louis Rougier
INF533 IoT Workshops PA - C6B Thomas Clausen
INF535 IoT Workshops - Mobile Code Crunch PA - C8 Informatique Thomas Clausen,
Juan-Antonio Cordero-Fuertes
INF535Eurotech IoT Workshops - Mobile Code Crunch (Eurotech) PA - C8 Thomas Clausen
INF536-SEM IoT Seminars PA - C8 Thomas Clausen
INF539 Refresher Course in Cybersecurity and Networking PA - C8 Thomas Clausen,
François Morain
INF545 Independent IoT Project Tout autre activité Thomas Clausen,
Juan-Antonio Cordero-Fuertes
INF557 From the Internet to the IoT: Fundamentals of Modern Comp... PA - C4B Informatique UE de base, UE d'approfondissement. Thomas Clausen
INF565 Information Systems Security PA - C1B Informatique UE d'approfondissement, UE de base. Guenael Renault
INF566 From Fundamentals to Reality: How The Internet Really Wor... PA - C4B Informatique UE d'approfondissement, UE de base. Thomas Clausen
INF567 Wireless Networks: from Cellular to Connected Objects PA - C3B Informatique UE d'approfondissement, UE de base. Marceau Coupechoux
INF590 Internship for IoT Stage Informatique Thomas Clausen
MIE554 Business Models in the Digital Era PA - C7 Management, Innovation et Entrepreneuriat Olfa Chelbi,
Thierry Rayna,
Benoit Tezenas Du Montcel
MIE555 Fundamentals of Strategy and Innovation PA - C1 Management, Innovation et Entrepreneuriat Mette Knudsen,
Julie Mayer
MIE557 Gestion financière pour l'entrepreneur (P1) PA - C5B Management, Innovation et Entrepreneuriat Nicolas Mottis
MIE562 Case Studies on Innovation PA - C4B Management, Innovation et Entrepreneuriat Philippe Ginier-Gillet
MIE565 Managing sustainable innovation PA - C5B Management, Innovation et Entrepreneuriat Pilar Acosta
MIE567 Corporate Finance for the Entrepreneur (P2) PA - C5B Management, Innovation et Entrepreneuriat Nicolas Mottis
MIE569 Sustainable Strategy and Business Models PA - C8 Management, Innovation et Entrepreneuriat Benjamin Lehiany
PHY559A Conception of numerical and analog integrated circuits PA - C1 Physique Yvan Bonnassieux,
Christophe De La Taille
SPO502 Sports - 502 Sport Formation humaine, militaire et sportive Renan Cuzon,
François Lésin,
Alain Truong Thang Dang
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