Diplômes concernés
Composition du parcours
- PA_Th-IVA P1 Thématique Image-vision-apprentissage - période 1
- INF550 Algorithmique avancée
- INF552 Data Visualization
- INF554 Machine and Deep learning
- INF555 Constraint-based Modeling and Algorithms for Decision-making
- INF556 Topological Data Analysis
- INF573 Image Analysis and Computer Vision
- INF574 Digital Representations and Analysis of Shapes
- MAP555 Signal Processing
- INF515 Projet de MAP-INFO en Image, Vision, Apprentissage P1
- MAP553 Foundation of Machine Learning
- PA_Th-IVA P2 Thématique Image-vision-apprentissage - période 2
- INF562 Géométrie algorithmique : de la théorie aux applications
- INF580 Large scale mathematical optimization
- INF581 Advanced Machine Learning and Autonomous Agents
- INF582 Introduction to Text Mining and NLP
- INF584 Synthèse d'Image
- INF584A Real-time AI in video games: decisive & collaborative actions
- INF585 Computer Animation
- MAP566 Statistics in Action
- INF515B Projet de MAP-INFO en Image, Vision, Apprentissage P2
- PA_Th-IVA P3 Thématique Image-vision-apprentissage - période 3
- INF591 Stage de recherche en science informatique
- INF594 Stages en IVA