The course of Cell Biology and Physiology for engineers presents the cell as the elementary unit that constitutes all living organisms and assumes the functioning of those organisms. The course portrays at a molecular level the organization of cells, how cells and their components support physiological functions, how cells integrate within their microenvironment, and the fates of cells in several pathophysiological contexts. The course of Cell Biology and Physiology for engineers also documents technics allowing studying cells and how to manipulate cells and their components for biotechnological applications or therapeutic purposes.
The course is divided into 8 blocks:
- The cell: the building block of all organisms
- The nucleus and the genetic information
- From genotype to phenotype
- Structure and functions of proteins
- Cells need the energy to achieve biological functions
- Cells communicate with the environment and integrate signals
- The cell cytoskeleton
- Cell differentiation and cell fates
Two last blocks are dedicated to revisions and a written exam.
Diplôme(s) concerné(s)
Parcours de rattachement
Objectifs de développement durable
ODD 7 Energie propre et d’un coût abordable.Format des notes
Numérique sur 20Littérale/grade réduitPour les étudiants du diplôme M2 Biomechanics
Pour les étudiants du diplôme Biomechanical Engineering
Le rattrapage est autorisé (Note de rattrapage conservée)- Crédits ECTS acquis : 3 ECTS
La note obtenue rentre dans le calcul de votre GPA.
Pour les étudiants du diplôme M2 Biomécanique et Ingéniérie Biomédical
L'UE est acquise si note finale transposée >= C- Crédits ECTS acquis : 3 ECTS
La note obtenue rentre dans le calcul de votre GPA.
Pour les étudiants du diplôme M1 Mécanique
Le rattrapage est autorisé (Note de rattrapage conservée)- Crédits ECTS acquis : 3 ECTS