Rationale: As the computing world now evolves toward applications and services of big data and Internet-of-things (IoT), these technologies are also bound to heavily impact the fundamental architecture of digital economy in the near future. This is due to, unprecedented volume of hardware and data existing in this world, which will completely change the structure of the behavior and characteristics of human-computer interaction. However, due to the ever-increasing complexity of the recent technologies, it becomes more and more challenging to understand these aspects. Therefore, to fully understand and utilize the building blocks of technologies that contribute to the digitization of the economy, fundamental knowledge of these computing technologies are important.
This course will focus on the fundamental technology description on the building blocks of IoT and big data technologies (IoT hardware/software, communication infrastructure, mobile data analytics, cybersecurity). As these blocks are closely intertwined and utilized in an integrated manner, the course will also delve into the big picture, current utilization cases, and how they are already affecting the economy..
The course will be mainly focused on lectures and discussion topics. Additionally, to help students understand more technological features of technologies mentioned above, the course will involve in-depth demos and simulations, as well as simple do-it-yourself exercises using actual devices and computing technologies.
Objectives: The aim of this course is to provide students with an overview of current IT-related technologies and go into depth of the technical details. However, it will be important for the students to be able to understand the architecture as a whole, and be able to connect them together and fully recognize the trend as a whole, so that their newly acquired knowledge allows them to manage and design specific architectures in a bigger frame.
Upon completion of this course, students:
- Will have an in-depth understanding of various enabling technologies of digitized economy
- Will understand the architecture of IoT and its communication and networking solutions
- Will be able to distinguish various communication technologies and their requirements
- Will be able to recognize new threats and security concerns, and their countermeasures
- Will be able to understand how blocs can be integrated and utilized as a big-scale service
- Will be able to make arguments on specific movements and strategies of companies and industries, based on their products related with IoT
- Session 1: Introduction and overview on digitized economy as building blocs
- Part 1: Internet-of-Things
o Session 2: IoT as miniaturized technology of the future
o Session 3: Miniaturized communication and networking
o Session 4: Mobile infrstructure
- Part 2: Services and Applications
o Session 5: Cloud computing and services
o Session 6: Security and Cyber-attacks
o Session 7: Integrated services
- Part 3: Design and Consideration
o Session 8: Service design and evaluation
Format des notes
Numérique sur 20Littérale/grade réduitPour les étudiants du diplôme MS Innovation et Entreprenariat
Le rattrapage est autorisé (Note de rattrapage conservée)- Crédits ECTS acquis : 4 ECTS