v2.11.0 (5802)

Cours scientifiques - MEC_5EO04_TA : Sea states, wave propagation, and ocean wave energy


The course is taugh in english. It divided in three main parts: (1) Characterizing waves and describing the
important physical processes governing oceanic and nearshore wave propagation, (2) Numerical
modeling of wave propagation, and (3) Ocean wave energy, including wave-structure interactions.
At the end of the course, a student should be able to:

  • describe wave characteristics using deterministic and spectral approaches,
  • understand the different physical processes governing wave transformation at a range of spatial

and temporal scales, from wind generation to interactions with the bottom,

  • evaluate the appropriate numerical modeling approaches to use for different applications,
  • understand the physical processes governing wave-body interactions,
  • estimate the absorbed wave energy of a wave energy converter, and
  • evaluate the application of industrial and academic numerical modeling approaches to simulate wave-structure interactions.

35 heures en présentiel

Diplôme(s) concerné(s)

Format des notes

Numérique sur 20

Littérale/grade réduit

Pour les étudiants du diplôme M2 WAPE - Eau, Pollution de l'Air et Energies

L'UE est acquise si Note finale >= 10
  • Crédits ECTS acquis : 3 ECTS

Programme détaillé


I. Characterizing ocean waves and sea states

  • Description of waves
  • Sea state characterization (wave-by-wave, spectral analysis)
  • Wave observation techniques and databases

II. Linear wave theory

  • Linearization of the water wave problem
  • Dispersion relation
  • Wave kinematics and approximations in shallow and deep water
  • Nonlinear wave theories (Stokes, Cnoidal, stream function)

Exercise: Using wave buoy measurements to generate scatter diagrams and to characterize
wave variability at an offshore study site.

III. Nearshore wave propagation

  • Wave energy flux conservation
  • Bathymetric refraction
  • Wave shoaling

Exercise: Using a one-line model to calculate wave transformation in the surf zone (and
comparison to wave tank experiments).

IV. Coastal hydrodynamics

  • Characterization of wave breaking
  • Wave breaking impacts (undertow, setup, alongshore currents)
  • Surf zone circulation (rip currents, eddies)
  • Infragravity waves and impacts
  • Wave-current interactions

V. Numerical modeling of wave propagation 1

  • Review of important physical processes to model
  • Differentiating phase-averaged and phase-resolving models
  • Presentatin of phase-averaged (spectral) models

Exercise: Running TOMAWAC spectral wave propagation model to simulate wave propagation
in the nearshore zone.

VI. Numerical modeling of wave propagation 2

  • Review of the Navier-Stokes equations
  • Mild-slope equations
  • Boussinesq-type models
  • Fully nonlinear potential flow theory models
  • Navier-Stokes models (Eulerian and Lagrangian approaches)

Class presentations: Students work in groups to present the different families of deterministic
wave propagation models.

VII. Dynamics of a body in waves

  • Nondimensional numbers (Re, Fr, KC) and similitude
  • Added mass, drag, lift, buoyancy
  • Morison equation (small bodies)
  • Diffraction-radiation problem (large bodies)
  • Second and higher-order effects

Exercise: Use of wave scatter diagrams to calculate absorbed wave energy at the selected study
site for selected wave energy converters.

VIII. Modeling wave-body interactions

  • Industrial codes and open research questions
  • Experimental approaches
  • Academic models:
    • Linear theory
    • Fully nonlinear potential flow theory
    • Navier-Stokes equations

Exercise: Use of wave scatter diagrams to calculate wave forces on a floating body at the
selected offshore study site.

IX. Seminar about wave-structure interactions (presented by a representative from a company
working in the field of marine renewable energy):


  • fixed and floating offshore wind turbines or
  • wave energy converters


  • present pilot project, study site, or existing installation
  • discuss design criteria, challenges, current needs for research

X. Exam

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