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Langues - LAN463hANG01 : MA3 - Human Rights - B2C1

Domaine > Langues.


Human Rights - Issues, Activism, Advocacy and Change

Suhasini Vincent

              ‘All Human Beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights’ (Art 1. UDHR), but are these fundamental rights norms, universal and binding for all the world’s states?  In this course, we shall explore critical issues concerning human rights – right to life (euthanasia), liberty of expression, gender equality, unfair trials, freedom of movement, sexual harassment, child soldiers in armed conflict, discrimination … to name a few!  Individual and Group Assessment during the course will challenge students to discover more about non-governmental organisations: Amnesty International’s advocacy, lobbying, campaigns and action; Oxfam’s vision of creating a fairer world without poverty; Greenpeace’s manifesto for individual and collection action. 

Objectifs pédagogiques

This course aims at nurturing more Food for Thought and kindling open debate on issues that affect the world at large.

effectifs minimal / maximal:


Diplôme(s) concerné(s)

Parcours de rattachement

Pour les étudiants du diplôme Diplôme d'ingénieur de l'Ecole polytechnique


Format des notes

Numérique sur 20

Littérale/grade réduit

Pour les étudiants du diplôme Diplôme d'ingénieur de l'Ecole polytechnique

Le rattrapage est autorisé

    Programme détaillé

    Human Rights - Issues, Activism, Advocacy and Change

    Suhasini Vincent

                 Plan for Semester 2 – 2018-19 – Ecole Polytechnique – Human Rights (LAN483hANG01 - MA3 - Human Rights - B2C1)




    Language Skill


    5-3-19 (13h-15h)

    The 72-year story of Human Rights



    12-3-19 (13h-15h)

    Human Rights Issues

    Breaking News Snapshot


    19-3-19 (13h-15h)

    Amnesty International/Oxfam/GreenPeace

    Group interpretation of a topic/article –


    26-3-19 (13h-15h)

    Freedom of Speech

    TV Documentary - Analysis


    9-4-19 (13h-15h)

    Human Rights Pitch

    Written Comprehension  -  Report Writing


    16-4-19 (13h-15h)

    Debate - UN Model Panel

    Language of Debating


    23-4-19 (13h-15h)

    World Finance Snapshots

    Group Interpretation of Press Reports


    14-5-19 (13h-15h)

    Oral Comprehension

    Sharpening Listening Skills


    21-5-19 (13h-15h)

    Micro Finance & Muhammed Yunus – Solution to World Poverty

    Written Expression – Creative Writing


    28-5-19 (13h-15h)

    Group Presentations

    Presentation Skills – signposting, Interaction - Oral Expression


    Mots clés

    Human Rights, Issues, Activism, Advocacy, Lobbying, Change

    Méthodes pédagogiques

    Debate, Pitch, Networking, Panel, Press Reports
    Veuillez patienter