Diplômes concernés
Composition du parcours
HFC560B HFC566 HFC567 HFC566B HFC562 HFC560 MEC662 MEC565 SPO502 PHY563 HFC561 MEC583 HFC564 PHY589 PHY585 HFC569 MIE569 INF569 MIE568 ECO569 MEC668 MEC561 ECO583
UE | Type d'enseignement | Domaines | Catégorie d'UE | Volume horaire | Responsables | Site pédagogique |
ECO569 Environmental Economics 2 | PA - C5B | Emeline Bezin, Katrin Millock |
ECO583 Business Economics | PA - C1B | Economie | UE d'approfondissement, UE de base. | Philippe Février | ||
HFC560 Paris in the Jazz Age | PA - C8 | Humanités et sciences sociales | Antoine Guibal | |||
HFC560B Sociology of Democracy and Digital | PA - C8 | Humanités et sciences sociales | Fabrizio Li Vigni | |||
HFC561 Introduction to French Cinema | PA - C8 | Humanités et sciences sociales | Isabelle Schaffner | |||
HFC562 Introduction to French Music | PA - C8 | Humanités et sciences sociales | Chantal Schütz | |||
HFC564 Geopolitics | PA - C8 | Humanités et sciences sociales | Elsa SEN | |||
HFC566 Introduction to French Politics | PA - C8 | Humanités et sciences sociales | Pierre-Marc Renaudeau | |||
HFC566B Advanced French politics | PA - C8 | Humanités et sciences sociales | Pierre-Marc Renaudeau | |||
HFC567 Corporate Sustainability: How ethics & responsibility are... | PA - C8 | Humanités et sciences sociales | Alice Steenland | |||
HFC569 Philosophy of Science Fiction | PA - C8 | Humanités et sciences sociales | Jonathan Degenève | |||
INF569 Decision theory, with applications to energy systems | PA - C1 | Informatique | UE d'approfondissement, UE de base. | Claudia D'Ambrosio | ||
MEC561 Fluid-structure interactions | PA - C6B | Mécanique | Emmanuel de Langre | |||
MEC565 Meteorology and Environment | PA - C2B | Mécanique | Thomas Dubos | |||
MEC583 Projects on Solar and Wind Energy: Resource and Performan... | PA - C7 | Mécanique | UE d'approfondissement. | Jordi Badosa, Riwal Plougonven |
MEC662 Hydro, Wind and Marine Resources | PA - C5B | Mécanique | Alexandre Stegner | |||
MEC668 Geological Storage of Energy and Wastes | PA - C6B | Alexandre Dimanov | ||||
MIE568 Entrepreneurship for Sustainability | PA - C8 | Management, Innovation et Entrepreneuriat | Thierry Rayna | |||
MIE569 Sustainable Strategy and Business Models | PA - C8 | Management, Innovation et Entrepreneuriat | Cécile Chamaret, Benjamin Lehiany |
PHY563 Material Science for Energy Conversion and Storage | PA - C4B | Physique | Jean-François Guillemoles | |||
PHY585 Experimental Work in Environmental Physics | PA - C7 | Physique | UE d'approfondissement. | Séréna Bastiani-Ceccotti | ||
PHY589 Laboratory Course in Photovoltaics | PA - C7 | Physique | UE d'approfondissement. | Pere Roca I Cabarrocas, Jean-Charles Vanel |
SPO502 Sports - 502 | Sport | Formation humaine, militaire et sportive | Renan Cuzon, François Lésin, Alain Truong Thang Dang |