This course makes the link between the fundamental physics of photovoltaic devices and the practical reality of selling PV-generated kWh.
It is composed of two parts: (1) an intensive laboratory component (24 hours spent in a research lab) giving students the opportunity to fabricate and test photovoltaic devices in a research environment, and (2) three lectures given by our industrial partners from Total, concerning the PV industry.
Objectifs pédagogiques
After taking this course, the student should be able to:
- Laboratory Component:
- Demonstrate experimental familiarity with critical elements of photovoltaic device fabrication or advanced material/device characterization
- Describe their own laboratory research result in the field of photovoltaics
- Apply their knowledge of the experimental design and methods particular to PV to defend or moderate their results.
- Identify, use and weight the physical parameters in a photovoltaic system and critical output metrics
- Industrial Lecture Component
- Describe the industrial steps to produce photovoltaic modules
- Identify usage of photovoltaics in appropriate applications
- Have a global vision of the photovoltaics market, value chain and main players
- Quantitatively evaluate PV system costs and PV electricity costs
- Take into account safety
- Carry scientific messages on the environmental impact of photovoltaics
- Travaux pratiques : 24
- Séminaire : 6
effectifs minimal / maximal:
/16Diplôme(s) concerné(s)
Parcours de rattachement
Objectifs de développement durable
ODD 7 Energie propre et d’un coût abordable, ODD 9 Industrie, Innovation et Infrastructure.Pour les étudiants du diplôme MScT-Energy Environment : Science Technology & Management
Theoretical course on photovoltaics (Physics and Engineering of Photovoltaic Devices or equivalent)
Format des notes
Numérique sur 20Littérale/grade réduitPour les étudiants du diplôme MScT-Energy Environment : Science Technology & Management
Vos modalités d'acquisition :
Combination Laboratory work (24 hours) / Lecture (6 hours)
Evaluation: 25 page report, group presentation with questions, quiz on industrial lectures
Le rattrapage est autorisé (Note de rattrapage conservée)- Crédits ECTS acquis : 6 ECTS
La note obtenue rentre dans le calcul de votre GPA.
Programme détaillé
Introductory Lecture
- Overview of laboratory options and specialization selection (2hrs)
Laboratory Sessions
24 hours total: 6 x 4 hours each, spent in laboratory
Students focus on one of many topics concerning PV technologies (subjects change each year)
- Standalone PV Systems (GEEPS)
- Data Analysis for PV (SIRTA)
- Advanced characterization techniques (GEEPS)
- III-V materials and characterization (C2N)
- Perovskite Solar Cells (LPICM)
- Crystalline Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells (LPICM)
- More with each year
Industrial Lectures
I: PV industry, market and economy
The photovoltaic industry – an overview
- Historical development of PV, Applications, Technology, Markets / economy
Reminder of basics and metrics of PV
- PV systems, efficiency and Watt peak, other physical parameters, Performance: cells to module, Sun and intermittency
Snapshot of current industry and market
- Market and trends, Actors : location, technology, structure
- An idea of current costs and performances
Industrial production of PV
- Production line, Silicon, Ingot, Wafer, Cells, Modules,
- Thin films (TF-Si, CdTe, CIGS), III-V, OPV, DSC
Production management, purchasing
- Norms and certifications, Structure of costs in production, Financing / capitalization,
Main actors
Electricity production with PV projects
- PV system, Structure, type, space, Producible : management of losses, simulation, Watt peak to kWh to €, Project development
- Structure of costs, Levelized Cost of Electricty (LCOE), Economical schemes / Finances, Grid parity, FiT, Portfolio, Tax credit / subsidies, Self-consumption, Main actors
- Industrial safety, Installation safety, Environmental impact of PV
Industrial Lecture II: Industrial R&D programs and innovation
- Introduction: Research & Development vs Innovation
- R&D as a segment of an industrial activity
b. Innovation as a state of mind in a Company
c. Disruptive innovation: ‘what (could) make great companies fail? - Research & Development in Solar PV: several ten years of progress in cell efficiency
- NREL compilation of hero (certified) cells:
b. Outstanding industrial (and R&D) players: who drives performance up?
c. Top ten research centers around the world - Different PV technologies addressing different markets: State-of-the-art / challenges / perspectives
- Crystalline Si: an old lady? (including purification/ingoting/wafering/cell conversion)
- mc-Si
- c-Si
iii. Alternative technologies: ribbons, smart-cutting technologies...
- Thin films:
- CdTe
- a-Si, pm-Si, μc-Si, pc-Si...
iii. CI(G)S & CZTS
- Organic / hybrids
- Printed polymers: bilayer, bulk heterojunction
- Small molecules: evaporation or printing technologies?
iii. Dye sensitized structures
- III-V semiconductors:
- Single-junctions
- Multijunction
- The nano and quantum tool box:
- Nano wires
- Quantum dots
iii. Intermediate band structures
- Transverse activities: a ‘must’ to address the complete value chain:
- Modules and systems
- Reverse engineering
- Specific issues to PV industry as seen from R&D:
- Raw materials
b. Time to market: from theoretical concept to lab device... to industry and market - Industrial transfer: scale-up, control control control, stage-gate procedures
d. R&D as a support to production
Environmental and EHS issues