The Master in Economics is jointlyoffe- red by École Polytechnique, ENSAE ParisTech, ENS Cachan, HEC Paris and theUniversityofParisSud.Theobjective of this two-year program is to provide an advanced training in economics to students who want to become professio- nal economists working in government, central banking, international organizations, consulting, and finance or in academicresearch.
The Master in Economics trainsstudents to have a sound expertise in economics. The program heavily relies on advanced quantitative methods for boththeoretical and empirical analysis. In the first year, studentslearnthemaintoolsusedineco- nomicsandtheirmostimportantapplica- tions. This is, by far, the most important year in the training of aneconomist.
Students who choose to stay for the second year will specialize within subfields of economics (finance, games and decision theory, industrial economics, macroeco- nomics, international economics, public economics, labor economics, sustainable development, and econometrics). By the end of that year, they should be familiar with the research frontier within their main area of specialization.
The Master in Economics is entirely taught in English.
Fourth-year opportunities
In France
■Corps del’État
■Écoles:ENSAEParisTech,MinesParis- Tech, Ponts ParisTech (économie, gestion, finance),HEC.
■PhDinEconomics,MasterinFinance, Public Administration, Operations Research.
Career prospects
The Master in Economics provides a sound graduate level training in economics. The following sectors are the examples in career prospects:
■Government (ministries, regulation agencies)
■Consulting (management,economics)
Diplômes concernés
Composition du parcours
ECO592 ECO550 ECO593 ECO591 ECO567A ECO585 ECO589 ECO580 ECO581 ECO511 ECO551 ECO575 ECO561 ECO560 ECO562 ECO576 ECO573 ECO552