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Programmes par année - M1IGD-MAST1A : M1 IGD - Interaction, Graphic and Design - Master 1A

Domaine > Informatique.


The two-year Interaction, Graphics & Design Master’s program aims to provide comprehensive coverage of human-computer interaction, computer graphics, and design. The program trains students to design and create advanced interactive computing systems. It also provides them with fundamental knowledge and practical methods, as well as introducing them to advanced techniques.

Students can choose from a wide range of courses devoted to topics such as human-computer interaction, design, computer graphics, augmented/virtual reality, and multimodal interaction. Students can choose to study the field in breadth or focus on a specific subdomain.  Specialized classes include user-centered design, user evaluation, innovation design, interactive software development, web and mobile computing, augmented and virtual reality, information visualization, image synthesis, computational geometry, GPU programming, computer animation, 3D modeling, on-line and video games, multimedia networking, gestural interaction, multimodal interfaces, tangible fabrication, conversational agents and affective robotics.

Conducted in partnership with Université Paris-Saclay, the program is multidisciplinary and involves collaborations with experts in various fields.


This Master’s program aims to enable students to:

  • Explore the fundamentals of interaction, design, and computer graphics through a multidisciplinary approach
  • Gain technical skills and concrete applied methodologies for making user interfaces and interactive 3D applications more creative and adapted to user needs
  • Solve theoretical and applied problems with significant time devoted to projects, workshops, sprints and practical classes
  • Become familiar with research and scientific work through a scientific project in the first year and an internship in the second year
  • Prepare for a career in academia or industrial R&D

To complete the Master’s degree, first-year students can enter the following a second-year programs:

Composition du parcours

    INF554 INF559 INF584 INF585 INF574 INF573 INF562 CSE204 INF582 LAN576FLE01

Unités d'enseignement

UE Type d'enseignement Domaines Catégorie d'UE Volume horaire Responsables Site pédagogique
CSE204 Machine Learning Cours scientifiques Informatique Jesse Read
INF554 Machine and Deep learning PA - C2B Mathématiques appliquées, Informatique UE d'approfondissement, UE de base. Michalis Vazirgiannis
INF559 Architecture des ordinateurs et systèmes d'exploitation PA - C3B Informatique UE de base, UE d'approfondissement. Francesco Zappa Nardelli
INF562 Géométrie algorithmique : de la théorie aux applications PA - C1B' Informatique UE d'approfondissement, UE de base. Luca Castelli Aleardi
INF573 Image Analysis and Computer Vision PA - C3B Informatique UE d'approfondissement, UE de base. Mathieu Bredif
INF574 Digital Representations and Analysis of Shapes PA - C7 Informatique UE de base, UE d'approfondissement. Maks Ovsjanikov
INF582 Introduction to Text Mining and NLP PA - C5B Informatique UE de base, UE d'approfondissement. Davide Buscaldi,
Michalis Vazirgiannis
INF584 Synthèse d'Image PA - C5B Informatique UE de base, UE d'approfondissement. Tamy Boubekeur
INF585 Computer Animation PA - C7 Informatique UE de base, UE d'approfondissement. Damien Rohmer
LAN576FLE01 Cours de FLE - MASTERS/PEI - A1/A2 Langues Langues Julie André,
Djamila Cherbal
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