This course is not open to International Exchange program students
This course proposes a fuller understanding of the role played by the sea and seafarers in literature from Homer and the Odyssey up to the twentieth century.
The sea is not only a backdrop in literature. In many masterpieces of the Western canon, the sea is at the very heart of narrative development. It is a place that puts the human will to the test, thus revealing the true nature of men, for better or for worse. More often than not, the sea features as a living being, a character per se.
Oceans have provided opportunities for adventure, discovery, the pursuit of wealth, and encounters with other civilisations. The sea and seafarers have played a decisive part in cultural exchange, political conquest, and scientific knowledge. Studying them, we shall be carried into a history of crime, war, and death. We shall also find them functioning as pervasive metaphors in metaphysics and poetry, in music and painting.
The sea is the habitat of fascinating, awe-inspiring creatures that connect the natural with the supernatural. The sea is probably the best example of a threshold (in the twofold sense of limes and limen), of a border that keeps some people out and allows others in. It can also mark the frontline where holidaymakers enjoy – or not - the summer through life on the beach, an invention of the nineteenth century.
Objectifs pédagogiques
This course is not open to International Exchange program students
This course aims at providing a better knowledge and understanding of literature through a series of extracts ranging from Homer to the XXIst century.
- Séminaire : 15
- Travaux dirigés : 15
effectifs minimal / maximal:
1/25Diplôme(s) concerné(s)
Parcours de rattachement
- Bachelor en sciences - S5 - Double spécialité Mathématiques et Physique
- Bachelor en sciences - S5 - Double spécialité Mathématiques et Informatique
- Bachelor of Sciences de l'Ecole Polytechnique - Bachelor 1A
- Bachelor en Sciences - S3 - Double spécialité Mathématiques et Informatique
- Bachelor en sciences - S3 - Double spécialité Mathématiques et Physique
- Bachelor en sciences - S3 - Double spécialité Mathématiques et Économie
- Bachelor en sciences - S5 - Double spécialité Mathématiques et Économie
Pour les étudiants du diplôme Bachelor of Science de l'Ecole polytechnique
An interest in fiction and things maritime
Format des notes
Numérique sur 20Littérale/grade américainPour les étudiants du diplôme Bachelor of Science de l'Ecole polytechnique
Vos modalités d'acquisition :
Oral presentation (50%)
Written examination (50%)
Remedial examination : essay (800-1500 words)
Le rattrapage est autorisé (Note de rattrapage conservée écrêtée à une note seuil de 10)
- Crédits ECTS acquis : 2 ECTS
La note obtenue rentre dans le calcul de votre GPA.
Pour les étudiants du diplôme Programmes d'échange internationaux
Programme détaillé
This course is not open to International Exchange program students
1/ Greece : The Odyssey, Odysseus as a sailor and a hero
Authors : Homer, Shakespeare.
2/ The Second Odyssey
Authors : Dante, Tennyson, Cavafis
3/ Maritime Empires I : Athens
The battle of Salamis.
Text : The Persians, Aeschylus
4/ Maritime Empires II : Venice
Romanticism and the fall of the Republic of Venice.
Authors : Byron, Wordsworth.
5/ Maritime Empires III : Portugal
The Age of Great Discoveries.
Text : The Lusiads, Camões.
6/ The Age of Sail I : Sailors, pirates and privateers
7/ Islands I: Robinson and the robinsonade
8/ Islands II
9/ Sea monsters I : Moby Dick
10/ Sea monsters II
11/ Marshes and tides
13/ Written examination
14/ The Sea and beyond
15/ Conclusion
Support pédagogique multimédia