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Etape de composition - GD-STEEM-S3 : GD STEEM - Semestre 3

Composition du parcours

    MIE669 HFC652 MEC655A MEC655B MEC655C PHY652B MEC652F MEC661H BIO652 PHY630 CHI661C HFC555 HFC655 HFC657 HFC658

Unités d'enseignement

UE Type d'enseignement Domaines Catégorie d'UE Volume horaire Responsables Site pédagogique
BIO652 Nature-based Solutions to Substitute Fossil Resources and... PA - C8 Biologie Bernard Drévillon,
Benoît Gabrielle
CHI661C Chemical Storage of Energy PA - C6 Chimie Didier Dalmazzone
HFC555 Economic Sociology PA - C8 Humanités et sciences sociales Olivier Pilmis
HFC652 Building the French Nation under Conflicting Identities PA - C8 Humanités et sciences sociales Nicolas Roussellier
HFC655 Economic Sociology PA - C8 Humanités et sciences sociales Olivier Pilmis
HFC657 Introduction to Political Philosophy: Philosophy of Work PA - C8 Humanités et sciences sociales Maël Pégny
HFC658 EU Governance and Policies: Focus on Research and Innovat... PA - C8 Humanités et sciences sociales Lilian Cadet
MEC652F Wind Power PA - C8 Mécanique
MEC655A Energetics of the Climate System - an Overview of Atmosph... PA - C8 Mécanique Hervé Le Treut
MEC655B Greenhouse Gases (GHG) Challenges and Observations PA - C8 Mécanique Cyril Crevoisier
MEC655C Introduction to Atmospheric Composition: from Processes t... PA - C8 Mécanique Sylvain Mailler
MEC661H Fluid-structure Couplings in Offshore Wind and Marine Ren... PA - C8 Mécanique Olivier Doare
MIE669 Designing Projects and Managing Operations in the Energy ... PA - C8 Management, Innovation et Entrepreneuriat Jean-Michel Gauthier
PHY630 Physics Refresher Course PA - C8 Physique Bernard Drévillon
PHY652B Polymers for Photovoltaics (Org PV) PA - C7 Physique Gilles Horowitz,
Gael Zucchi
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