v2.11.0 (5802)

Etape de composition - MScT-SCUP-S3 : MScT SCUP - Semestre 3

Composition du parcours

    HFC550 ECO653 HFC558 ECO654 ECO554 ECO556 ECO557 HFC556 HFC552 HFC551 HFC557 ECO-IREN HFC553 HFC554 HFC555 HFC564B HFC569B HFC565 HFC559 MIE556 MIE555 ECO652

Unités d'enseignement

UE Type d'enseignement Domaines Catégorie d'UE Volume horaire Responsables Site pédagogique
ECO-IREN Network Economics PA - C8
ECO554 Corporate Finance PA - C3B Economie Franck Bancel,
Pierre Picard
ECO556 Industrial Organization PA - C7 Economie Marie-Laure Allain,
Geoffrey Barrows
ECO557 Market Design PA - C8 Economie Marie-Laure Allain,
Pierre Boyer,
Yukio Koriyama
ECO652 Valuation of Start-ups PA - C8 Economie Marie-Laure Allain,
Xavier Lazarus
ECO653 Urban services and utilities PA - C8 Guy Meunier
ECO654 Cities and Transportation PA - C8 Economie Zoi Christoforou
HFC550 Sociology of Democracy and Digital PA - C8 Humanités et sciences sociales Fabrizio Li Vigni
HFC551 French Crime PA - C8 Humanités et sciences sociales Antoine Guibal
HFC552 Aspects of Comparative Commercial Law PA - C8 Humanités et sciences sociales Sabine Sultan
HFC553 The Myth of Paris in French Imagination PA - C8 Isabelle Schaffner
HFC554 Debating PA - C8 Declan Mc Cavana
HFC555 Introduction to French Music PA - C8 Chantal Schütz
HFC556 Introduction to French Politics PA - C8 Humanités et sciences sociales Pierre-Marc Renaudeau
HFC557 Sociology of energy transitions: innovation, socio-techni... PA - C8 Claire Le Renard
HFC558 Economic Sociology PA - C8 Humanités et sciences sociales Olivier Pilmis
HFC559 Philosophy of Science Fiction PA - C8 Jonathan Degenève
HFC564B Advanced Geopolitics PA - C8 Elsa SEN
HFC565 French Humour PA - C8
HFC569B Dark sides of the City of Lights PA - C8 Jonathan Degenève
MIE555 Fundamentals of Strategy and Innovation PA - C8 Management, Innovation et Entrepreneuriat Benjamin Lehiany
MIE556 Introduction to Marketing and Strategy PA - C6B Management, Innovation et Entrepreneuriat Philippe Ginier-Gillet
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