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Les formations
Catalogue 2024 - 2025
Advanced Master
MS ETRE - MS Renewable Energies: Technologies and Entrepreneurship (Master)
MS IE - MS Innovation and Entrepreneurship
BX - Ecole polytechnique bachelor of science
Diplôme d'établissement
X-4A - Diplôme de l'Ecole polytechnique
Engineer Degree
X - Titre d’Ingénieur diplômé de l’École polytechnique
Graduate degree - MSc&T
MScT-AI-ViC - MScT-Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Visual Computing
MScT-CyS - MScT-Cybersecurity (CyS)
MScT-DDDF - MScT-Double Degree Data and Finance (DDDF)
MScT-DEPP - MScT-Data and Economics for Public Policy (DEPP)
MScT-DSB - MScT-Data Science for Business
MScT-EDACF - MScT-Economics, Data Analytics and Corporate Finance
MScT-EESM - MScT-Environmental Engineering and Sustainability Management
MScT-ESCLiP - MScT-Economics for Smart Cities and Climate Policy
MScT-IOT - MScT-Internet of Things : Innovation and Management Program (IoT)
MScT-STEEM - MScT-Energy Environment : Science Technology & Management
International exchange program
EuroteQ - EuroteQ Diploma
PEI - International Exchange programs
M1APPMATH - M1 APPMS - Applied Mathematics and Statistics
M1BIOHEA - M1 BH - Biology and Health
M1CHEINT - M1 CI - Chemistry and Interfaces
M1CPS - M1 CPS - Cyber Physical Systems
M1HEP - M1 HEP - High Energy Physics
M1IES - M1 IES - Innovation, Industry and Society
M1MATHJHADA - M1 MJH - Mathematics Jacques Hadamard
M1MECHA - M1 Mech - Mechanics
M1MIE - M1 MiE - Master in Economics
M1MPRI - M1 MPRI - Foundations of Computer Science
M1PHYSICS - M1 PHYS - Physics
M2AAG - M2 AAG - Analysis, Arithmetic, Geometry
M2BIOHEA - M2 BH - Biology and Health
M2BIOMECA - M2 BME - Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering
M2CPS - M2 CPS - Cyber Physical Systems
M2DS - M2 DS - Data Science
M2FLUIDS - M2 Fluids - Fluid Mechanics
M2GI - M2 GI-PLATO - Large Facilities - Plasmas, Lasers, Accelerators, Tokamaks
M2HEP - M2 HEP - High Energy physics
M2ICFP - M2 ICFP - International Center for Fundamental Physics
M2MACHI - M2 MACHI - Materials Chemistry and Interfaces
M2MARES - M2 PBR - Physics by Research
M2MATHMOD - M2 MM - Mathematical Modelling
M2MECENCLI - M2 MECENCLI - Mechanical Engineering for Clinicians
M2MOCHI - M2 MoChI - Molecular Chemistry and Interfaces
M2MPRI - M2 MPRI - Foundations of Computer Science
M2MSV - M2 MSV - Mathematics for Living Sciences
M2OPTIM - M2 OPT - Optimization
M2PIC - M2 PIC - Project, Innovation, Design
M2PLASPHYFUS - M2 PPF - Physics of Plasmas and Fusion
M2PROBFIN - M2 PF - Probability and Finance
M2QLMN - M2 QLMN - Quantum, Light, Materials and Nanoscience
M2QUANTDEV - M2 QD - Quantum Devices
M2SMNO - M2 SMNO - Materials Science and Nano-Objects
M2SOLIDS - M2 Solids - Solid Mechanics
M2TRADD - M2 TraDD - Transport and Sustainable Development
M2WAPE - M2 WAPE - Water, Air Pollution and Energy
Master of Science (CGE)
MSc Entrepreneurs - MSc X-HEC Entrepreneurs
Catalogue 2023 - 2024
Advanced Master
MS ETRE - MS Energies Renouvelables : Technologies & Entrepreneuriat (Master)
BS - Ecole polytechnique bachelor of science
Engineer Degree
X - Titre d’Ingénieur diplômé de l’École polytechnique
Graduate degree - MSc&T
MScT-AI-ViC - MScT-Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Visual Computing
MScT-CTD - MScT-Cybersecurity : Threats and Defenses
MScT-DDDF - MScT-Double Degree Data and Finance (DDDF)
MScT-DEPP - MScT-Data and Economics for Public Policy (DEPP)
MScT-DSB - MScT-Data Science for Business
MScT-EDACF - MScT-Economics, Data Analytics and Corporate Finance
MScT-EESM - MScT-Environmental Engineering and Sustainability Management
MScT-ESCLiP - MScT-Economics for Smart Cities and Climate Policy
MScT-IOT - MScT-Internet of Things : Innovation and Management Program (IoT)
MScT-STEEM - MScT-Energy Environment : Science Technology & Management
International exchange program
EuroteQ - EuroteQ Diploma
M1APPMATH - M1 Applied Mathematics and Statistics
M1BIOHEA - M1 Biology and Health
M1CHEINT - M1 Chemistry and Interfaces
M1CPS - M1 Cyber Physical Systems
M1HEP - M1 High Energy Physics
M1IES - M1 Innovation, Industry and Society
M1MATHJHADA - M1 Mathematics Jacques Hadamard
M1MECHA - M1 Mechanics
M1MIE - M1 in Economics
M1MPRI - M1 Foudations of Computer Science MPRI
M1PHYSICS - M1 Physics
M2AAG - M2 Analysis, Arithmetic, Geometry
M2BIOHEA - M2 Biology and Health
M2BIOMECA - M2 Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering
M2CFP - M2 Concepts in Fundamental Physics
M2CPS - M2 Cyber Physical System
M2DS - M2 Data Science
M2FLUIDS - M2 Fluid Mechanics
M2GI - M2 Large Facilities
M2HEP - M2 High Energy physics
M2MARES - M2 Physics by Research
M2MATCHEINT - M2 Materials Chemistry and Interfaces
M2MATHMOD - M2 Mathematical Modelling
M2MECENCLI - M2 Mechanical Engineering for Clinicians
M2MOCHI - M2 Molecular Chemistry and Interfaces
M2MPRI - M2 Foudations of Computer Science MPRI
M2MSV - M2 Mathematics for Living Sciences
M2OPTIM - M2 Optimization
M2PIC - M2 Project, Innovation, Design
M2PLASPHYFUS - M2 Physics of Plasmas and Fusion
M2PROBFIN - M2 Probability and Finance
M2QNSLMT - M2 Quantum, Light, Materials and Nanosciences
M2QUANTDEV - M2 Quantum Devices
M2SMNO - M2 Materials Science and Nano-Objects
M2SOLIDS - M2 Solid Mechanics
M2WAPE - M2 Water, Air Pollution and Energies
Catalogue 2022 - 2023
Advanced Master
M2REST - Renewable Energy, Science and Technology
MS ETRE - MS Energies Renouvelables : Technologies & Entrepreneuriat (Master)
BS - Ecole polytechnique bachelor of science
Engineer Degree
X - Titre d’Ingénieur diplômé de l’École polytechnique
Graduate degree - MSc&T
MScT-AI-ViC - MScT-Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Visual Computing
MScT-CTD - MScT-Cybersecurity : Threats and Defenses
MScT-DSB - MScT-Data Science for Business
MScT-EDACF - MScT-Economics, Data Analytics and Corporate Finance
MScT-EESM - MScT-Environmental Engineering and Sustainability Management
MScT-ESCLiP - MScT-Economics for Smart Cities and Climate Policy
MScT-IOT - MScT-Internet of Things : Innovation and Management Program (IoT)
MScT-STEEM - MScT-Energy Environment : Science Technology & Management
International exchange program
EuroteQ - Diplôme EuroteQ
PEI - Echanges PEI
M1APPMATH - M1 Applied Mathematics and statistics
M1CHEINT - M1 Chemistry and Interfaces
M1CPS - M1 CPS - Cyber Physical Systems
M1HEP - M1 High Energy Physics
M1MATHJHADA - M1 Mathematics Jacques Hadamard
M1MECHA - M1 Mechanics
M1MIE - M1 MIE - Economics
M2BIOHEA - M2 Biology and Health
M2BIOMECA - M2 Biomeca - Biomechanics
M2CPS - M2 Cyber Physical System
M2DATAAI - M2 Data AI - Data and Artificial Intelligence
M2DS - M2 Data Sciences
M2ENERG - M2 Energy
M2FLUIDS - M2 Fluids - Fluid Mechanics
M2HEP - M2 High Energy physics
M2ICS - M2 Integration, Circuits and Systems
M2MATHMOD - M2 Mathematical Modelling
M2MECENCLI - M2 Mecencli - Mechanical Engineering for Clinicians
M2MICAS - M2 Machine Learning, Communications and Security
M2MOCHI - M2 Molecular Chemistry and Interfaces
M2MSV - M2 MSV - Mathematics for Life Sciences
M2OPTIM - M2 Optimization
M2PIC - M2 Design Innovation Project - Work-study
M2QNSLMT - M2 Quantum, Light, Materials and Nanosciences
M2SOLIDS - M2 Solids - Solid Mechanics
M2WAPE - M2 Water, Air, Pollution and Energy
MSc Entrepreneurs - MSc X-HEC Entrepreneurs
Non Degree
ND - Non Diplomant
Catalogue 2021 - 2022
BS - Ecole polytechnique bachelor of science
Engineer Degree
X - Titre d’Ingénieur diplômé de l’École polytechnique
Graduate degree - MSc&T
MScT-AI-ViC - Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Visual Computing
MScT-CTD - Cybersecurity : Threats and Defenses
MScT-DSB - Data Science for Business
MScT-EDACF - Economics, Data Analytics and Corporate Finance
MScT-EESM - Environmental Engineering and Sustainability Management
MScT-ESCLiP - Economics for Smart Cities and Climate Policy
MScT-IOT - Internet of Things : Innovation and Management Program (IoT)
MScT-STEEM - Energy Environment : Science Technology & Management
International exchange program
PEI - Echanges PEI
M1APPMATH - M1 - Applied Mathematics and statistics
M1BM - M1 Biomechanics
M1DATAAI - M1 Data AI - Data and Artificial Intelligence
M1ECO - M1 Economics
M1ENERG - Master 1 Energy
M1MATHJHADA - M1 - Mathematics Jacques Hadamard
M1MIE - M1 MiE - Master in Economics
M2BIOMECA - M2 Biomeca - Biomechanics
M2BM - M2 Biomechanics
M2CFP - M2 CFP - Concepts in Fundamental Physics
M2CPS - Cyber Physical System
M2DS - Data Sciences
M2ENERG - Master 2 Energy
M2FLUIDS - M2 Fluids - Fluid Mechanics
M2IGD - M2 IGD - Interaction, Graphic and Design
M2MDA - M2 MdA - Random Mathematics
M2MSV - M2 MSV - Mathematics for Life Sciences
M2PIC - Design Innovation Project - Work-study
Catalogue 2020 - 2021
BS - Ecole polytechnique bachelor of science
Engineer Degree
X - Titre d’Ingénieur diplômé de l’École polytechnique
Graduate degree - MSc&T
MScT-AIAVC - Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Visual Computing
MScT-CTD - Cybersecurity : Threats and Defenses
MScT-DSB - Data Science for Business
MScT-ECOSEM - Environmental Engineering and Sustainability Management
MScT-EDACF - Economics, Data Analytics and Corporate Finance
MScT-IOT - Internet of Things : Innovation and Management Program (IoT)
MScT-SCUP - Economics for Smart Cities and Climate Policy
MScT-STEEM - Energy Environment : Science Technology & Management
International exchange program
PEI - Echanges PEI
M1APPMATH - M1 - Applied Mathematics and statistics
M1CPS - M1 CPS - Cyber Physical Systems
M1CSN - M1 CSN - Computer Science for Networks
M1CYBER - M1 Cyber - Cybersecurity
M1HPDA - M1 HPDA - High Performance Data Analytics
M1I - M1 Informatique - Voie Jacques Herbrand - X
M1IGD - M1 IGD - Interaction, Graphic and Design
M1INTTRACPHY - M1 - International Track in Physics
M1MAP - M1 Mathématiques et Applications - Voie Jacques Hadamard - École Polytechnique
M1MATHAPP - M1 - Mathématiques Appliquées
M1MPRI - M1 MPRI - Foudations of Computer Science
M1P - M1 Physique - Voie Irène Joliot Curie - X
M1PHYSICS - M1 - Physics
M1SCTECHNRJ - M1 - Sciences and Technologies for Energy
M2BIOMECA - M2 Biomeca - Biomechanics
M2CLEAR - CLimat, Environnement, Applications et Recherche - Water, Air, Pollution and Energy
M2CPS - Cyber Physical System
M2CYBER - M2 Cyber - Cybersecurity
M2DS - Data Sciences
M2HPDA - M2 HPDA - High Performance Data Analytics
M2IGD - M2 IGD - Interaction, Graphic and Design
M2MPRI - M2 MPRI - Foudations of Computer Science
M2MPRO - M2 MPRO - Operation Research
M2PDS - M2 PDS - Parallel and Distributed Systems
M2PIC - Projet Innovation Conception
Non Degree
ND - Non Diplomant
Catalogue 2019 - 2020
BS - Ecole polytechnique bachelor of science
Engineer Degree
X - Diplôme d'ingénieur de l'Ecole polytechnique
Graduate degree - MSc&T
GD-AIM - Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Visual Computing
GD-CYBSEC - Cybersecurity : Threats and Defenses
GD-DSB - Data Science for Business
GD-EDCF - Economics, Data Analytics and Corporate Finance
GD-EESTM - Energy Environment : Science Technology & Management
GD-ESEM - Ecotechnologies for Sustainability & Environment Management
GD-IOT - Internet of Things : Innovation and Management Program (IoT)
GD-SCUP - Smart Cities and Urban Policy
M1AME - M1 Advanced materials engineering
M1BI - M1 Bio-informatique (Voie Rosalind Franklin)
M1BS - M1 Biologie-Santé - Voie Boris Ephrussi-X
M1C - M1 Chimie - Voie Fréderic Joliot-Curie - Ecole Polytechnique
M1ECO - M1 Economie
M1HEP - M1 High Energy Physics
M1I - M1 Informatique - Voie Jacques Herbrand - X
M1IESVIT - M1 Innovation, Entreprise, et Société - Voie Innovation technologique
M1MAP - M1 Mathématiques et Applications - Voie Jacques Hadamard - École Polytechnique
M1P - M1 Physique - Voie Irène Joliot Curie - X
M1STEPE - M1 STEPE - Sciences pour les défis de l'environnement/Sciences for environmentals challenges
M2AME - Advanced materials engineering
M2BE - Biomechanical Engineering
M2CLEAR - CLimat, Environnement, Applications et Recherche - Water, Air, Pollution and Energy
M2CMASIC - Conception, Modélisation et Architecture des Systèmes Industriels Complexes
M2DQ - Dispositif quantique
M2DS - Data Sciences
M2FM - Fluid Mechanics
M2HEP - High Energy physics
M2ITIE - Innovation Technologique : ingénierie et entrepreneuriat
M2M4S - Modélisation Multiphysique Multiéchelle des Matériaux et des Structures
M2MAMSV - Master 2 Mathématiques et Applications - Mathématiques pour les Sciences du Vivant
M2MFSF - Mathématiques Financières : Statistique et Finance
M2MM - Mathématiques de la modélisation
M2MOCHI - Molecular Chemistry and Interfaces
M2OPT - Optimisation
M2PIC - Projet Innovation Conception
M2PICA - Projet Innovation Conception - Alternance
M2PPF - Physique des Plasmas et de la Fusion
M2PROBAFI - Mathématiques Financières : Probabilités et Finance
M2REST - Renewable Energy, Science and Technology
M2SMNO - Sciences des Matériaux et des nano-objets
M2TRADD - Transport et Développement Durable - TRADD
MBIOENT - Master Bio-entrepreneur
Non Degree
ND - Non Diplomant
Catalogue 2018 - 2019
BS - Ecole polytechnique bachelor of science
Engineer Degree
X - Diplôme d'ingénieur de l'Ecole polytechnique
Graduate degree - MSc&T
GD-AIAVC - Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Visual Computing
GD-CTD - Cybersecurity : Threats & Defenses
GD-DSB - Data Science for Business
GD-ECOSEM - Ecotechnologies for Sustainability & Environment Management
GD-EDACF - Economics, Data Analytics and Corporate Finance
GD-IOT - Internet of Things : Innovation and Management Program (IoT)
GD-SCUP - Smart Cities and Urban Policy
GD-STEEM - Energy Environment : Science Technology & Management
Catalogue 2017 - 2018
Engineer Degree
X - Diplôme d'ingénieur de l'Ecole Polytechnique
v2.11.0 (5802)
Parcours thématique
Informations générales
Diplômes concernés
Titre d’Ingénieur diplômé de l’École polytechnique
Composition du parcours
Unités d'enseignement
Type d'enseignement
Catégorie d'UE
Volume horaire
Site pédagogique
Patrick Le Tallec
Sylvain David,
Patrick Le Tallec,
Pere Roca I Cabarrocas,
François Willaime
Entité de rattachement :
Libelle diplôme :
Niveau :
Site :
Fonction :
Programme d'échange :
Régime d'inscription :