Computer graphics tackles the creation of 3D contents, from object prototypes to animated scenes. The course will focus on the interactions between Computer graphics and Artificial Intelligence, which recently lead to a number of advances. We will cover:
- Creative AI, ie. how interactive content creation can be enhanced using smart graphical models embedding knowledge, to enable intuitive gesture-based creation. As we will show, this "expressive modeling" methodology can be applied to a variety of cases, from the design of individual products to be fabricated to the creation of full, animated virtual worlds.
- Autonomous characters have been called for decades "the AIs" of virtual worlds. We will first describe the main methods for animating character models, by detailing each layer - from brain to skeletal motion and to skin and hair, that contributes to bring a virtual creature to life. The last courses will be devoted to autonomous character navigation, where motion planning and control will be developed for both individual characters and for groups.
24 heures en présentiel
30 heures de travail personnel estimé pour l’étudiant.
Diplôme(s) concerné(s)
- Echanges PEI
- Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Visual Computing
- M2 IGD - Interaction, Graphic and Design
Parcours de rattachement
Pour les étudiants du diplôme Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Visual Computing
Bases in computer graphics, algorithmic geometry and computer animation.
Format des notes
Numérique sur 20Littérale/grade réduitPour les étudiants du diplôme Echanges PEI
Le rattrapage est autorisé (Note de rattrapage conservée)Pour les étudiants du diplôme M2 IGD - Interaction, Graphic and Design
Le rattrapage est autorisé (Note de rattrapage conservée)- Crédits ECTS acquis : 2.5 ECTS
Pour les étudiants du diplôme Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Visual Computing
Le rattrapage est autorisé (Note de rattrapage conservée)- Crédits ECTS acquis : 2 ECTS