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Programmes par année - M1DATAAI-MAST1A : M1 Data AI - Data and Artificial Intelligence - Master 1A

Domaine > Informatique.


The DataAI study track is a two-year master’s program at the Institut Polytechnique de Paris. It is concerned with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and large-scale data management. The program is taught in English. It teaches the students the basics of Machine Learning, Logic, Big Data Systems, and Databases, before diving into applications in advanced machine learning, symbolic AI, swarm intelligence, natural language processing, visual computing, and robotics. Students can choose from a wide variety of courses, including on the mining of large datasets, big data processing systems, reinforcement learning, GPU programming, semantic networks, cognitive modeling, self-organizing multi-agent systems, autonomous navigation for robots, text mining, image understanding, as well as social issues in AI. The program has a focus on research, and aims to familiarize students from the beginning with scientific work: there is a scientific project in the first year, and an internship in the second year. This way, students are optimally prepares for scientific work, a PhD, or research and development positions.

Composition du parcours

    INF553 INF554 INF517 INF517B INF552 INF556 MAP553 MAT557 INF583 MAP569 INF581 INF582 MAP566 MAP583 INF573 LAN576FLE03 LAN576FLE02 LAN576FLE04 LAN576FLE05 INF-ENSAE-1A

Unités d'enseignement

UE Type d'enseignement Domaines Catégorie d'UE Volume horaire Responsables Site pédagogique
INF-ENSAE-1A Research Project ENSAE (PhD Track) Projet Informatique, Mathématiques appliquées
INF517 Projet de 3A MAP-INFO Science des données P1 PA - C8 Informatique UE de projet. Pierre Bourhis,
Ioana Manolescu,
Steve Oudot
INF517B Projet de 3A MAP-INFO Science des données P2 PA - C8 Informatique UE de projet. Pierre Bourhis,
Ioana Manolescu,
Steve Oudot
INF552 Data Visualization PA - C5B Informatique UE de base, UE d'approfondissement. Emmanuel Pietriga
INF553 Database Management Systems PA - C6B Informatique UE de projet, UE d'approfondissement. 36 Ioana Manolescu
INF554 Machine and Deep learning PA - C2B Informatique, Mathématiques appliquées UE de base, UE d'approfondissement. Michalis Vazirgiannis
INF556 Topological Data Analysis PA - C5B Informatique UE d'approfondissement, UE de base. Steve Oudot
INF573 Image Analysis and Computer Vision PA - C3B Informatique UE d'approfondissement, UE de base. Mathieu Bredif,
Vicky Kalogeiton
INF581 Advanced Machine Learning and Autonomous Agents PA - C4B Informatique UE de base, UE d'approfondissement. Jesse Read
INF582 Introduction to Text Mining and NLP PA - C5B Informatique UE d'approfondissement, UE de base. Davide Buscaldi,
Michalis Vazirgiannis
INF583 Systems for Big Data PA - C6B Informatique UE d'approfondissement, UE de base. Angelos Anadiotis
LAN576FLE02 Cours de français - PhD Track - A0/A1 Langues Langues Julie André
LAN576FLE03 Cours de Français - PhD Track - A0/A1 Langues Langues Julie André
LAN576FLE04 Cours de Français - PhD Track/MASTER/PEI - A2/B1 Langues Langues Julie André
LAN576FLE05 Cours de Français - PhD Track/MASTER/PEI - B1/B2 Langues Langues Julie André
MAP553 Foundation of Machine Learning PA - C1'' Mathématiques appliquées Erwan Le Pennec
MAP566 Statistics in Action PA - C5 Mathématiques appliquées UE de base. Julien Chiquet
MAP569 Regression and classification PA - C2 Mathématiques appliquées Karim Lounici
MAP583 Apprentissage profond de la théorie à la pratique PA - C7 Mathématiques appliquées UE d'approfondissement. Marc Lelarge
MAT557 Topologie algébrique PA - C4B Mathématiques Grégory Ginot
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