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Cours scientifiques - ECO683 : Seminar in Quantitative Marketing

Domaine > Economie.


Professor : Morgane Cure and various professionals.


In addition to the courses on Data Science, econometric techniques specialized in marketing and the study of a number of particular sectors (retail and online commerce, advertising ...), ENSAE offers to professionals to come and describe the reality of their profession and their practice of quantitative marketing.

This course is built around siw sessions of 2 hours. Each session of the seminar is devoted to a debate oriented towards quantitative marketing issues. A practitioner comes to expose a problem related to his sector of activity or to one of his clients. Its presentation may include factual or institutional elements and a summary of the theoretical elements useful for its work. Nonetheless, it focuses on how to mobilize and apply knowledge in a business environment. As such, case studies may be particularly useful. For example, we can deal with problems relating to customer segmentation, dynamic pricing or the consideration of externalities for marketing choices. A discussion with the participant about the issues discussed follows the presentation.

Main achievements of this course:

  • Develop a non-technical argumentation on a number of issues related to quantitative marketing;
  • Describe many environments and application areas of quantitative marketing;
  • Detail all stages of the implementation of a quantitative solution to a marketing problem;
  • Analyze the possible issues to the implementation of solutions, both in terms of external constraints (regulation, sector conventions) and internal problems (integration of information systems, taking into account the different trades).

Grade: Attendance at classes is mandatory. The call will be made, the absences penalized and active participation is requested. The notation - out penalty of absence - will be made on the basis of two business notes. Each document will be a maximum of two/three pages and will revert to the theme of a session. It will summarize and highlight the important points raised during the session. A critical and personal point of view can be added by the student.  Each summary note will deal with a different session.

This course is for all students seeking to better understand the diversity of fields of application of Data Science in the field of Quantitative Marketing. On the other hand, it provides a feedback experience directly mobilizable in the context of a first professional experience.

The presentation will be in French or English depending on the audience.

Subjects and sectors of activity:

  • Online Advertising: yield management of websites
  •  Insurance: Construction of scores and value creation in insurance
  • E-commerce: real-time recommendation algorithm implementation
  • Video games: Use and construction of satisfaction and motivation indicators
  • Sports: Maximizing revenue through calls for tenders for television rebroadcasting rights
  • Social Networks
  • Academic Research: Links Between Academia and the Professional Environment

Every year the schedule can change, depending on availability of professionals and student interests.

For instance, last year (2018-2019) the following firms were represented: 

  • Air France, on demande estimation;
  • Yves Rocher, on personalising client relationship;
  • Catawiki, on AB-testing and attribution models;
  • EDF, on incentives for consumers to adapt energy consumption to fixed offer;
  • Aleph-D, on online advertising (attribution mode, auction, bid, reserve price);
  • Veltys, on two different cases: estimation of sport partnership revenues, dynamic of sales on an online website;
  • Axa, on the use of data to predict risk and personnalise risk premium;

Kynapse, on two different cases : boost demand on old-fashionned brand and machine learning techniques applied to marketing purposes.



Objectifs pédagogiques


Diplôme(s) concerné(s)

Parcours de rattachement

Objectifs de développement durable

ODD 7 Energie propre et d’un coût abordable.

Format des notes

Numérique sur 20

Littérale/grade réduit

Pour les étudiants du diplôme MScT-Economics, Data Analytics and Corporate Finance

Le rattrapage est autorisé (Note de rattrapage conservée)
    L'UE est acquise si Note finale >= 10
    • Crédits ECTS acquis : 4 ECTS

    La note obtenue rentre dans le calcul de votre GPA.

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